The White House has added an online petition to its official website. "We the People" allows anyone to create a petition. and promises that if you can get 5,000 signatures within 30 days, they will review and respond to the petition "in a timely fashion."

As you would expect, some of the petitions out there have to do with legalizing marijuana and abolishing the TSA, but the one that we find most intriguing calls for an end to UFO secrecy. You need 150 signatures before a petition becomes "active," and about 60 of them are that way right now.

People obviously hate the onerous new procedures for boarding planes, and there are over 20,000 signatures on that petition. Legalizing marijuana has about 35,000 signatures. A petition to end the Patriot Act has about 13,000 signatures.

A lot of frustrated people have seen "the Grays" themselves, and would like the government to acknowledge this reality. Sometimes a novel can tell more than a nonfiction book can, and Whitley’s novel "The Grays" (soon to be made into a major motion picture) is based on hidden knowledge of what happened to a captured alien who was rescued from a crashed UFO. The book is out of print, but YOU can still get a copy from the Whitley Strieber Collection (and it will come with an autographed bookplate, designed by Whitley!)

Here at, we’re proud to say that we’re helping to end UFO secrecy by posting 13 incredible interviews by Anne Strieber with "contactees" (in a totally unique repository of information)–with 5 more to come in the future! We give them the chance to tell about their experiences IN THEIR OWN WORDS, and if you subscribe today, you can listen to all of these fascinating conversations!

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