After a freak storm killed one person and hospitalized nine more on Venice Beach Sunday afternoon, a similar bizarre weather event brought the English South Coast to a standstill today.
Feet of water fell in less than an hour in the seaside town of Brighton, Hove and Worthing, devastating homes and bringing traffic and trains to a standstill.Brighton station tweeted the downpour at the stations was like a ‘zombie apocalypse’.
Fortunately, there are no reports of any casualties, but over in the U.S., the residents of Venice beach were not so lucky. The storm struck suddenly, with lightning striking the injured parties whilst they were swimming. Eye-witnesses report that people were fleeing the water in terror and that the scene looked like something from a horror movie.
The young man who died was given CPR at the scene, but sadly died later in hospital. Another man is in a critical condition.
Those who are regular readers will know that Whitley Strieber made predictions of severe flooding and violent weather for the summer months of 2014 across the northern hemisphere. Check out his Climate Watch page to see why.
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