Evidence of that much-maligned?and denied?global warming in action: the UN is reporting that many parts of the world have been experiencing record extreme weather conditions including floods, heat waves, storms and cold snaps since the beginning of 2007?including a TORNADO in Brooklyn on August 8!
Yahoo News reports that global land surface temperatures in January and April reached the highest levels ever recorded for those months, according to the World Meteorological Organization. They quote WMO scientist Omar Baddour as saying, “The beginning of 2007 was very active in terms of extreme weather events.”
BBC News (a BRITISH government website) reports on a new study showing that “researchers project that at least half of the years between 2009 and 2014 are likely to exceed existing records.” Right now, 1998 is the warmest year on record. The average surface temperature that year was almost 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The researchers predict that the global average temperature will increase by between 2 and 7 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century.
But is the glass half full or half empty? In LiveScience.com, which is a NASA (thus a US government) website, Andrea Thompson downplays this information by reporting that at least scientists expect the pace of global warming to slow down over the next ten years?but after that, it will speed up AGAIN. She quotes UK researcher Doug Smith as saying, “By a hundred years’ time, the global warming will be much greater than any sort of internal variability, but in the coming 10 years, the internal variability and global warming could be comparable, especially regionally.” That means that we have a respite?some time to DO something about it, because climate change is inevitable. As Smith says, “Climate change is still going to happen, it’s still going to warm over the coming century. By the end of the coming 10 years it’s still going to have warmed up substantially.”
Art credit: gimp-savvy.com
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