A battleship that sank into the Thames river near Londonduring World War II contains unexploded bombs that couldblow up at any time.

Mick Hamer writes in New Scientist that the RichardMontgomery, a U.S. cargo ship, has been underwater in thequiet, suburban neighborhood of Kent for 60 years, but it’sonly recently been discovered that the fuses on the bombsare unstable and even a small shock could ignite them at anytime. If they explode, it will be one of the biggestnon-nuclear blasts ever, sending a column of watercontaining mud, metal and munitions almost two miles intothe air.

Since the Brits haven’t done anything about it yet, theymust betrustingtheir vibes.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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