Is this a return to Aflockalypse? It’s happened before, and this time it happened along a highway in California: Over 100 dead birds were found there. Dead birds have also recently been reported in Missouri.
In the Huffington Post, Travis Walter Donovan writes that the California birds "were intact and had not been shot."
Donovan reports that: "Thousands of dead birds and fish were reported in Arkansas within 100 miles of each other, and then days later hundreds more dead birds turned up 300 miles away in Louisiana. Reports of similar incidents continued, with dead birds turning up Kentucky and millions of dead fish appearing in Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay.
"Hundreds of dead birds were discovered in Italy, and dozens of birds fell from the sky in Sweden. Massive fish kills were reported in Brazil and New Zealand, while England experienced an estimated 40,000 dead crabs washing onto its beaches."
Wildlife experts insist that these animal deaths are unrelated and can’t explain what’s causing them. Has our environment become too toxic or too warm for animal life? In 1998, Whitley Strieber had never heard of climate change, but the Master of the Key burst into his hotel room in Toronto and told him all about it, which led to his bestselling book "Superstorm."
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