Ancient legends of sea monsters attacking ships abound, but to date these tales remain fixed firmly in the realms of fantasy.

Yet do the depths of our oceans still hide these mythical creatures, or is our changing climate allowing new creatures to evolve?

Recent reports from New Zealand describe a massive sea creature that was seen in Oke Bay, in North Island. A Google Earth image captured a huge and unidentified wake in the clear blue waters of the beautiful bay qt 11.30am on January 30th. The image was discovered by engineer Pita Witehira who was researching the images for a holiday home.

From the size of the wake, it is estimated that the creature could be up to 12 metres in length. The wake was not consistent with that caused by any sea vessel, said Mr. Witehira, as there was no surface froth on the water.

‘I spotted it about a week ago. We have some property near Oke Bay and I’m about to build a beach chalet up there, I zoomed down and found that,’ he said.

‘It’s way too wide for a shark and way too long… It’s got to have a lot of weight under the water to create that kind of drag.’
Marine experts have yet to comment, but the image is certainly intriguing.

Across the ocean in California, another mysterious creature has been washed up on a Santa Barbera beach. The strange beast was washed ashore after a storm, and discovered by 19 year old Josh Menard near a drain washout. He described it as having "the body shape of a pig – kind of a fat stomach, middle area. And the canines were just ridiculously large.’

At about two feet long, brown and hairless with sharp claws and pointy teeth, the beast is unlike any known species and so far remains unidentified.

A similar beast was discovered in San Diego back in 2012. A Youtube video of it can be seen here.

Read our archives with more articles about strange creatures on Unknown Country.


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