Governor Jeb Bush of Florida declared a state of emergencyand ordered the evacuation of half a million people asHurricane Frances gathered strength and aimed at the state’ssoutheast coast. Like Charley, Frances has suddenly begun togain strength. It is a Category 4 hurricane at present, andfears are that it will become a Category 5 storm if it doesnot make significant landfall before it reaches Florida. Hurricane Charley was the second most damaging hurricane inUS history, causing upwards of fifteen billion dollars worthof damage on Florida’s west coast. Meanwhile, Asia has experienced a series of 16 typhoons andsupertyphoons this season, marking this as one of the mostactive typhoon seasons on record. Typhoon No. 16, thatravaged Kyushu district at the end of August had windspeedsrecorded at 58.1 meters per second, the second highest everrecorded. High winds extended a hundred miles out from thecenter of this massive story, which, like most of the hugetyphoons that have struck Asia this year, went largelyunreported in the United States. While Asia and the southern tier of American states sufferedintense wind and flooding, other parts of the world wereexperiencing extraordinary fires. Alaska, enduring one ofits driest and hottest summers on record, has recorded firescovering a record breaking five million acres–a catastrophelargely ignored by US media. Heatwaves, storms and droughts are coming faster as theworld gets hotter. Ten of the past 14 years have been thehottest recorded, and this is linked by scientists to arapid rise in levels of greenhouse gas concentrations in theatmosphere – which according to ice core samples tested inthe Antarctic, are the highest in 440,000 years and stillrising. Last year, carbon dioxide levels measured in Hawaii rosetwice as fast as expected. For Whitley Strieber’s view of the rapid changes nowovertaking us, readWhitley’s Journal.

Join our newprayergroup prayer: “That we may be spared coming storms.”

How to know when a storm’s going to blow? If ever there wasa time totrustyour vibes, this is it!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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