In a diary she wrote about parenthood last year, Anne Strieber added the following update: “This couple has learned that they’re going to have a boy. The mother-to-be is content and doing well. She can’t wait to meet her son in a few months time. The father-to-be is more nervous, because he’s not sure what his role will be.” Keep reading for Anne’s explanation of why a father is ALWAYS a hero to his kids!

I can reassure him about this, because I’ve learned something from being the mother of a boy. I hope my friends take their cue from the film “The Accidental Tourist,” which was made from a book by Anne Tyler, who is one of my favorite writers. In the film, William Hurt plays a lonely guy who is courting a single mother who has a young son. Neither of them are socially sophisticated.

Hurt offers to fix a leaky faucet for her and he shows the boy how to diagnose the problem (remove the faucet with a wrench and there it is!?the deteriorated washer) and how to solve it (put in a new washer, then replace the faucet). He thinks of it as an ordinary task, but the little boy watches all this with absolute awe. This man could not have impressed him more had he hit a home run out of the stadium in a professional baseball game.

This illustrates a basic truth: Dads are ALWAYS heroes in the eyes of their sons.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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