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Master Nazi hunter Peter Levenda is with us to bring us up to date on his latest research into where leading Nazis REALLY hid out–in Asia! We connect with Peter in Singapore, where he is researching an update to his book Ratlines, about how far more Nazis escaped Germany after the war, where they went, what they did, and what their followers are STILL doing. One place that most Nazi hunters have never looked is Asia. That was a mistake, as Peter is finding out.

Listen as he tells us the riveting story of his latest discoveries about the continuing Nazi presence in Asia, and its terrifying power that reaches not only across that continent, but deep into the darkest recesses of the US government!

PLEASE NOTE: Due to adverse recording conditions between the US and Singapore, this program does not meet Dreamland’s usual high audio standards. We are running it anyway, because the information it contains is far more important than the audio quality. We regret the inconvenience.

Catch Peter Levenda (if you can) on his website,

Subscribers, don’t miss our many extraordinary interviews with Peter Levenda! Just search Levenda in our search engine to find them all. He was most recently on Dreamland discussing the orginal Ratlines book on May 18, 2012. His Sinister Forces interviews, dating from 2005 are truly remarkable.

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  1. According to Mr. Levenda
    According to Mr. Levenda Heinrich Harrer was unrepentant. I just found this – “After returning to Europe in 1952, Harrer was cleared of any pre-war crimes and this was later supported by Simon Wiesenthal. In his memoir, Beyond Seven Years in Tibet, Harrer called his involvement with the Nazi Party a mistake made in his youth when he had not yet learned to think for himself.”

    I don’t have that book but if this is true it doesn’t seem he was unrepentant to the end of his days at all.

    Also, on the following page it shows the difference between Pock and Hitler’s ear – toward the bottom. I honestly don’t see any strong similarities…

  2. A primal dark force is part
    A primal dark force is part and parcel of the human genome. One small example is the Nazis who used Jews for target practice in “Schindler’s List.” Again, this is only one small example. We need to own the dark force innate to the species in order to dispel it. Yes, there are dark forces “out there,” but we must own that which resides within the human genome. Peter is right that we must expand our understanding to know how to deal with it. Ignorance and destruction of memory is the key to holding the conditions in place. The Maury Island incident has strange connections with somebody who already had the capability of manipulating memory in 1947, and I strongly suspect they are the same entities that Richard Shaver reported in 1942. These forces reside on this planet and were recorded as “Watchers” in Greek and Hebraic literature. Shaver described UFOs in 1942 that were identical to those Kenneth Arnold saw in 1947, or five years later. These forces are humans who have remained hidden in the Earth for thousands of years.

  3. I was glad to hear mention of
    I was glad to hear mention of the book, Morning of the Magicians (by Pauwels & Bergier), which I first read back in the 1970s. It provided an initiation into the sub-cultures of the Nazis, alchemy, the research of Charles Fort and de Chardin, and it explored an overall look into these subterranean layers of our world that Peter Levenda and Whitley discuss here. Once someone is made aware and these doors of knowledge are opened, they never can (or should!) look at our modern 3-dimensional lives the same way. Thanks goodness for mentors like Whitley and Peter to investigate and share their knowledge and experiences with the rest of us.

  4. I would love to see Whitley
    I would love to see Whitley post something in the comments section after the show. Maybe after a few people posted he could write a line or two about his own thoughts.

  5. Lavenda’s story is
    Lavenda’s story is interesting, to say the least. I purchased and read Ratline and found the story to be plausible. However, I hope he fully vets the “address book” as it sounds too good to be true. Further, I agree with El Gringo (see above) that the web site he gives the link to seems to provide evidence that Poch was not Hitler–maybe Poch liked to pretend he was Hitler, and wanted people to believe he was der Fuhrer.

  6. Finally had the chance to
    Finally had the chance to catch up with this program – I have my own reasons for my interest in the subject matter.

    I’m fine, still am actually, with the entire interview up to the point of Michael Hastings and the changed tone afterwards. I can’t speak on behalf of other deaths that are suspect – but this guy? He almost killed me by his driving two months prior. Suicide by arrogance, not a government right to kill American citizens on American Soil.

    As for Nazis? Media manipulation of facts? No problem there. I found the special for subscribers riveting – nothing new in the way of information for me, confirmation.

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