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Trish MacGregor knows the secrets of synchronicity and what they mean. A synchronicity is a coming together of inner and outer events in a way that is meaningful to the observer but can’t be explained by cause and effect. Synchronicities can be simple, or incredibly complex and layered. But what do they mean? There’s a first step: learning to recongize the many synchornicities. Then a second: understanding the why of it all. Don’t miss this enlightening interview.

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Dreamland Video podcast
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  1. Trish’s UFO experience that
    Trish’s UFO experience that she describes in this interview is really fascinating. BTW, the special interview I did with Duncan O’Fionian will be posted here next week. In the next few days, we are going to post some very good UFO video in the subscriber video section.

  2. Delightful! How many times
    Delightful! How many times have we swatted the beetle? A wise question!

  3. Wonderful interview with Ms.
    Wonderful interview with Ms. Macgregor. My personal view on the comments about the one “man” who believed we have no free will or choice in our lives, is that his view is cowardly. That belief absolves one of any responsibility, i.e. “the devil made me do it” or ” it’s God’s will”. I agree with Anne, “bullsh*t”.

  4. I was led to this website
    I was led to this website after watching “the fourth kind”; a movie that I am wondering about. Was it really based on a “real” story? Anyone know??? Any way. I googled Whitely and found Dreamland!!! This has led to a whole lot of changes in my life. I think that that is a great example of Synchronicity.

    1. Yes it a true story and the
      Yes it a true story and the footage they show u in the movie is real deal also they have there movie footage along side the real footage ,the dark side of the ufo phenomenon,i find it interesting that the ancient language that they taped was ancient Babalonian i think it was but was a very ancient from of Bablonian.

  5. Waking up at 3:30 in the
    Waking up at 3:30 in the early am has become common for me.
    And also throughout the day I have seen 3:30 in the pm repeatedly. ???
    I love synchronicities and have been aware of these since listening
    to Unknowncountry for many years now. I also “have Joy” written
    above my computer work area and named a store “Simple Joys”…..

    Thanks for your insights once again Anne

  6. I don’t buy Duncan O’Fionian
    I don’t buy Duncan O’Fionian and his supposed super soldier buddy David Corso. These people are delusional aided in their delusions by Project Camelot. I’d happily change my mind if there was anything worthwhile in their stories.

    Whitley – why not tackle the one contact case that has been called ‘hoax’ for 15 years but is in fact 100% authentic. I believe you were called by Robert Raith just after the event happened and you said ‘the closer a case is to the truth – the greater the adversity to those involved” – which stands true for your own case and also that of this one – Dr Jonathan Reed.

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