Legendary filmmaker James Fox joins Whitley for a deep dive into his explosive new documentary, The Program. How did he get the extraordinary information that he did? And what of his other films, such as The Phenomenon and his extraordinary Moment of Contact about the 1996 Varghina, Brazil UFO crash that plays such a pivotal role in Whitley’s new book, The Fourth Mind? Go deep this week with a truly extraordinary man, one of the great talents in the UFO field.
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Great interview and I am definitely going to rent The Program. I seem to recall Whitney stating that he soon would be revealing that NASA has been lying to us about the moon and mars. Is this a future podcast?
PS Half way through the Fourth Mind – absolutely fascinating and I cannot recommend it enough. Once I finish questions may follow.
Terrific show and for the first time since Ariel Phenomenon I’m excited to watch another documentary concerning this area of discussion.
I’m also delighted that Fourth Mind has landed and while I have the Kindle version I find myself chomping at the bit to buy a signed hardback copy should that be available (internationally). Will it be possible?
All said and done, The Fourth Mind just resonates with energy, insight and certainly raises one’s expectations of what is imminently possible.
If I had to recommend a documentary for everyone, ‘The Program’ would be at the top of the list. We watched it, and it’s not as much anecdotal about events involving the phenomenon as it is informative about how deep the government secrecy goes…Of course, many of us have been aware of this for years, but talks with people such as Hal Putoff, and members of congress and the military, are key to knowing how the American people (And the world) have been duped for an incredibly long time, and how all this should be in hands of scientists and researchers, with some assistance from everyday people who are experiencers…and expert communicators.
Considering the change in government coming our way in the U.S (Which includes a cabinet with little real government experience and knowledge, or even scientific knowledge) I honestly hope this gets taken away from the government and military soon. But, it’s not likely.
All is out of our hands, in my opinion. All we can do is carry on. It’s our only choice for progress.
I watched The Program yesterday expecting the same sort of information that is in most UFO documentaries. I’ve seen most of them for the past 3 decades. The Program was a surprise and a good one. It’s as if we have inched closer to getting the truth. Encouraging!
The flippant joke about avoiding the anal probe was ill-judged and toe-curling to listen too but James Fox said something just after, that certainly brings back memories for me.
During a dream (that wasn’t a dream) I was outside the house at night. There was a rather large dark UFO, hanging over the trees above me, when suddendly I was asked telepathically and quite pointedly whether I would like to go onboard (with an implied offer to meet them too, I think). I was just about to accept when a wave of visceral fear came over me…at which point the offer was immediately and unequivocally rescinded. Something happened afterwards that I’m not too proud of either, suffice to say, I have never been given the same offer since and that was pushing thirty years ago. To this day, I can’t decide whether I made the right decision or not.
Anyway, back to the interview…depite my annoyance at James’ faux pas towards the end, I will still be watching ‘The Program’, as it sounds fascinating.
I almost stopped listening after the ‘joke’. Because Whitley was more gracious than I would have been, and hung in there, I did too. Frankly, I was furious. Suffice to say that Fox is better at research and interviewing others than at being interviewed, and his demeanor with Whitley was in stark contrast to his demeanor in ‘The Program’, which is very much worth viewing.
I’ve just watched it but although weren’t any revelations in there for anyone already following this subject, it was well put together. The list of interviewees was impressive but as always, the ones that are already part of the Program are understandably unwilling to say anything of real substance on camera for fear of breaking their NDAs.
The real gatekeepers will never give up their sectrets willingly. The best we can hope for is an admission on all levels that the NHIs are real and require more study. Although I’m pretty sure the technology associated with them will stay under wraps, until hell freezes over (i.e. until its inherent military / industrial advantage is somehow rendered mute).
My gut feeling is that “they” are losing patience with us and may take disclosure into their own hands. At this point, it is about the whole planet and all of its beings…not just us.
The new whistleblower Jacob Barber has worked in the craft retrieval program and now wants to replicate the methods used in “the program” with his own team:
Ah, I’ve been waiting for that NewsNation report. Thanks for the link Pascal.
I wonder whether the psychic connection that Jacob reported, was with an occupant of the craft…or the craft itself? Also, why an ‘egg’ shape? I wonder if that serves some kind of technological purpose, or whether it has a more symbolic meaning…or both?
Thank you Pascal for the link!!
I didn’t know of Jake Barber or that wonderful Coulhart interview until reading your comment just now.
I would like to throw my penny’s worth in if I may?
The quip about the probe was just a joke and, whilst it is a touchy subject, I think both of them handled it with some grace and humour and it was nice to see that.
I’m afraid my sense of humour gets me in trouble all the time with people at work but I somehow scramble through and we all survive.
James is well known for his foot-in-mouth humor. It was no big deal for me.
I’m thinking less and less of James Fox as time goes by and the poor interviews pile up; he’s revealing himself to have a somewhat unctuous, game show host demenaor, which is not what the topic needs. ~HOWEVER~ he does a good job with his documentaries.
I can recommend Fox’s documentary on the Brazilian Vargihna case, “Moment of Contact”:
The witness testimony in that incident is as compelling as you’ll ever find in a contact scenario, in my humble opinion.
James might not be the best behind the microphone, but he is AAAA behind the camera! AND down in Brazil right now making another docu about Varghina.