Tom Matte and Upsight In this episode, guest host Kelly Chase sits down with author and experiencer, Tom Matte. Tom’s story is a fascinating one. After getting sober following a drug-induced mental breakdown, he found that he suddenly had abilities that he’d never had before including a greatly enhanced capacity for math and a strange new psi ability that he calls “Upsight.” 

Upsight manifests for Tom as a holographic overlay on his perceived reality. Upsight is interactive, allowing Tom to conjure up complex images on his own, and also seemingly allows NHIs to communicate with him. After a decade of work trying to find a scientist to take him seriously so that he could prove this ability in a lab, he finally found a team that was willing to take on his case—a team lead by legendary parapsychological researcher, Dean Radin at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Their findings on his case will be published in a peer-reviewed article that will be released soon.

In this conversation, Tom shares his story from the early days coming out of his mental breakdown to the present day where his case is finally being taken seriously. He shares some of the startling insights that he’s gained into the nature of our reality, his encounters with Greys and Mantids, finding others who are experiencing Upsight, and what he thinks all of this means for the future of the human race. 

More From Tom Matte
Jesus Goes To HollyWood: A Memoir of Madness

Tom Matte’s story is also explored in Pt. 2 of the Through The Looking Glass series on Kelly Chase’s podcast, The UFO Rabbit Hole. You can listen to that here:
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Cosmosis: UFOs & A New Reality, the new docuseries written and executive produced by Kelly Chase, is now available. For links to all available platforms head over to

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  1. A very interesting discussion. I understand many will struggle with this topic but once you’ve witnessed an actual crack or leak in the mask of the matrix you find listening to such topics quite absorbing.

    About ten years ago I was driving north up the M1 motorway here in the UK. I was dog tired, exhausted. Suddenly the motorway surface in front of me just disappeared and there appeared to be some kind of grid pattern forming the ground in front of me. It was a visible exposed square area directly in front of me as I drove along. It stayed the same size and distance directly ahead of me.

    I’d say this lasted approximately 2 seconds. Now, as tired hallucinations go, that didn’t strike me as just an hallucination. That looked super-real. I instinctively knew that I was seeing something that is normally hidden. It never happened again and has allowed me the luxury of enjoying this discussion between Tom & Kelly immensely.

    While it seems rare, it does happen from time to time. No drugs needed, no indicators of any rule book or how to (other than the presence of tiredness).

    Great show.


    1. I’ve seen a matrix-like structure around me occasionally whilst meditating. It looks like I’m inside a giant sphere, where the regular mesh-like lines that it is contructed of, are shimmering a beautiful colour of blue. Never with my eyes open though.

  2. The founder of the Baha’i Faith, Bahá’u’lláh,
    said (sometime between 1863 CEand 1891 CE) that any time He wanted to know something, holographic pages would just immediately appear in front of His face and He would read off what He wanted to know. When He dictated His revelatory speeches to His secretary (-ies) He was also perhaps just reading from these holographic pages. He would then go through the text of His secretaries and correct any mistakes the secretary made transcribing the dictation. During the dictation of His revelation He would become full of energy and hot like a QiGong practioner does.

    1. Yes, that makes sense. Consciousness is energy, the energy of manifestation.

  3. Years ago, I read a story by Peter S. Beagle called “A Fine and Private Place”. In it, an analogy was made about how planets are formed: they begin as bits of space dust , gases and other debris come together as clumps, create their own gravity, attract more bits and pieces… millennia later, we have earth. It struck me then that our bodies created themselves in much the same way… energies that were attracted and magnetized formed who and what we are. After reading Barbara Brennan’s book, “Hands of Light”, I theorized that our bodies are actually ‘built’ of/on light. This came to me because I had always been interested in the aura, or, as Barbara Brennan calls it the HEF (Human Energy Field). We have seven chakras, each within the physical body and two more outside the body, so nine altogether.
    Whitley wrote about ‘seeing’ a grid in his book “A New World” (I think it was the book). I had seen something very close to what he wrote about more than once. I think that Whitley attributed it to AI, but maybe it’s not that. Maybe it’s an order that underlies ALL. Hank Wesselman wrote about approaching and passing through the ‘nierika’, a kind of portal from which he could see the Grid, a place where there were bright jewels of light connected by lines and webs of energy. When someone writes (or talks) about the Earth being a ‘construct’, this is what it is at it’s most basic level: a place of energy, maybe a grid of energy. What are our souls made of? Maybe it’s light, whatever that may be. Conscious light, but is not all light conscious? Yes, probably, but some of it is unborn, less conscious. As our souls grow in their awareness, towards whence we came… that which birthed each one of us. And, maybe the basis of our consciousness, energy and light is love…

    1. That’s very interesting Star, I’ll have to refresh myself with Hank’s work.


  4. Thank you Kelly Chase and Tom Matte for including the candy cane structure. I want to meditate/visualize on it and encourage others to do the same. If anything comes to mind, I will post it. BY THE WAY, thinking of KANE from old testament here???

    “The name Kane carries a rich and profound significance in biblical history, resonating with themes of creation, struggle, and spiritual journeys. As we delve into the meaning of this name, we uncover its roots in scripture and the lessons that can be gleaned from its biblical references. The name Kane is more than just a label; it symbolizes deeper truths about human experience and divine relationships, making it an intriguing subject for exploration.”

    1. Hi Carollee, I thought you might be interested to know that apparently, in Hawaiian mythology, Kāne is the god of creation, the sky, and procreation…which is interesting when those candy cane structures are depicted as being within a DNA helix.

      Kāne is known as Kane-hekili…which to my mind, reminds me of the word helical, which of course is the shape of DNA.

      In Hawaiian, hekili means ‘thunder’, or ‘thunderer’ but I thought it was interesting to bring up the helix thing anyway.

      1. Hello, Sherbet UFO, thank you for this. The following is really odd. I was only going to thank Kelly Chase and Tom Matte for including the candy cane structure BUT as soon as I typed the word cane, I had an intense thought that this structure was about Kane/Cain. At that moment I had another thought, the blue fibers are loosely woven and are finding a way/being projected through circles of light? A lot going on here, perhaps the color of chakras.

  5. Since I was a small child, I have been able to look outward and see tiny, moving orbs. Not the kind of orbs we usually think of. As a child I thought I was seeing molecules. It happened mostly in light when I was looking at the sky, but it could happen with any surface. I don’t know if this is related or not but I’ve always wondered about it.

    1. Same. Never put it into words. But yes. Exactly this. Since childhood.

    2. I’ve seen orbs for many years, but the ones seen while looking at a a clear blue sky are a natural phenomenon known as The Blue Field Entoptic Phenomenon:

      The ones seen in other settings are a different matter. The ones I’ve seen do appear differently, for instance, in a room full of people. They have an awareness that is uncanny. I’ve seen a large one sitting high in the corner of a room as if listening to conversation. The ones in the sky really appear to zip around, and are constantly moving.

  6. Yes! To SharonK, I saw them first when I was maybe 11 or 12 years old. It happened at the beach where I was staying with my family and taking swimming lessons at the lake… I thought I was seeing the sun, light from the sun… I could see it even with my eyes closed… I still can, if I want to. Molecules of light, atoms of light. Hank Wesselman wrote about this in one of his books, I forget which one.
    And, Carollee, I’m thinking of Citizen Kane..

    1. I wonder though if that isn’t some sort normal scientifically explainable optical thing like when one can see the cones in one’s eye reflected in a teardrop or dust on the eyeball type stuff…

  7. When I’m close to falling asleep in a brightly lit room, I often get waves that start washing across my vision. Between those waves is some kind of complex structure…a static dream-like construction in monotone, that changes with every wave. The other day, I saw it for much longer. I couldn’t figure out what it was and it didn’t seem to change it’s structure by force of will…which is strange, as it feels like some kind dream figure, bubbling through from my unconscious, which I expected might be malleable. Maybe with more effort, I can get it to form something recognisable.

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