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This week, we reprise one of Dreamland’s all-time classics–Laurence Gardner on White Powder Gold. Listen as he tells the story of this legendary substance, how it may have been made, and where, and what it might have done to the people who used it. Laurence will be with us again soon to talk about his new book, the Secret of Solomon. Prepare yourself by revisiting this classic interview! Please note: No new subscriber special this week while Whitley Strieber is on vacation.
NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.
Dreamland Video podcast
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Gentlemen, if I could thank
Gentlemen, if I could thank you both, in a million different languages I would. English it is! THANK YOU! For sharing this absolute ‘golden nugget’ such a treasure trove of delicious mind dripping information. Everything ‘gold’ and ‘old’ is now ready to be ‘told’ and ‘sold’ as the mysteries unfold. Looking down from the Mountain of Flight the scope of The Golden Age is indeed insight. Whitley I could feel you salivating as you asked Laurence the question about finding the white gold. You made me laugh out aloud as I, too would like to find and try. Thank you both once again.