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Is William Henry the real Robert Langdon? Both Dan Brown’s new book, “The Lost Symbol” and William Henry’s “Freedom’s Gate” feature the idea that the US Capitol has a hidden function as a stargate. So, where did the idea come from, and is Dan Brown’s book a subtle effort to fictionalize a crucial power that the wealthy few who control the US do not want the rest of us to understand?

Find out in this provocative interview, as famed “Sinister Forces” author Peter Levenda interviews William Henry about just why the US Capitol building may be much more than it seems, and why there may indeed be some sinister forces out there attempting to conceal this information from the public.

William Henry’s website is and DON’T MISS his appearance at the Dreamland Stargate in October. To sign up, click here or call 615-292-5397.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.

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