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First up, Erich von Daniken tells us about what he’s going to be doing at Contact in the Desert, which takes place at the Renaissance Resort in Indian Wells, California May 31-June 3.

Erich’s website is

Next, Dreamland takes a turn in an unusual direction: entertainment, and Whitley’s next interview on this week’s show is a treasure trove for Trekkies! Whitley talks to Star Trek mega fans Marc Cushman and Vic Mignogna about the show, Marc’s books about it, the NEW audiobook and Vic’s series Star Trek Continues.

In this wonderful show, Vic and Marc take us behind this scenes, exploring the impact of Star Trek, which goes far beyond science fiction and into some of the most important issues of our time.

Plus, it’s just plain FUN to listen to them tell their insider stories about the show and its creation, the vision of Gene Roddenberry and the wild time he had with some great sci-fi writers like Harlan Ellison keeping the show true to that vision! (The story about Harlan crawling down a conference table after him is hilarious!)

To get either the These are the Voyages book or the terrific audio book, go to

Vic’s website is
Marc’s website is

To watch Star Trek Continues (it’s free) go to

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Dreamland Video podcast
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