Both subscribers and free viewers/listeners get to enjoy this journey with Uri Geller through the museum of his life that he has created in Jaffa in Israel. He and Whitley have a great time reminiscing about mutual friends like Edgar Mitchell, Russell Targ and Hal Puthoff, as Uri shows us remarkable artifacts such as the alien object given to him by John Lennon, and Mick Jagger’s guitar. Uri describes what happened when Benjamin Netanyahu asked him to bend a spoon in a restaurant, and he tells a stunner of a story about the word “architectural.” They also talk about Uri’s Lamb Island micro-nation created to help underprivileged children with heart defects , and how you can join up! A fun and fascinating journey through one of the most extraordinary lives of modern times! To get Use Your Psychic Powers from us, click here.
To visit Uri’s online store, click here. For all Uri Geller books, click here.
Uri’s life is all about self-empowerment and helping others, and you can join a course with him and get his books if you want to explore your own possibilities further. To find out how to become one of his personal students, click here.
To learn more, go to UriGeller.com. Headed to Israel? Don’t miss the Uri Geller museum. To find out more, click here.
Enjoy Anne Strieber’s Diary from 2014 describing her charming Uri Geller experience. Click here.
Subscribers, to watch the subscriber version of the video, first log in then click on Dreamland Subscriber-Only Video Podcast link.
“For the first time since 2014″…he can’t have made much of an impression on the 2022 Dreamland Christmas Special then?!
I’m sorry but this guy screams con man to me.
I often wonder why people buy into the lies that are told about Uri. I have known him for years, and he is no liar. He’s a wonderful man with a tremendous amount of enthusiasm about the gifts he was granted, and deservedly so.
I didnt
say liar I said con man. A little truth can be very dangerous in the wrong hands. It was hard to write a non positive thing on this beautiful website, but I’m sorry, as a child of victims of con men I am very wary of fast talking people who say you can “have it all” if you just buy their book. I’m sorry, sir, I am a long time follower of your work and very grateful, but this guy is just too much
He has a very long and extraordinary life history. His efforts to help others may not be to your taste, but they are most assuredly sincere.
Dear sir
I would very sincerely appreciate if you shared your thoughts on “the amazing randi’s” debunking of Mr gelled, especially the episode on the tonight show where Randi advised the producers on how to prove he was faking and Mr geller could not perform, as well as the well documented instances proving spoon and key bending to be very easily faked.
I would be very grateful for your input. I regularly struggle with the ” inner skeptic” implanted in my mind even though my life experience has proved the accepted definition of reality to be demonstrably false.
This field is super tricky, because there’s real stuff and fake stuff and the fake stuff makes the real stuff seem fake!
I just intuitively get a very bad vibe from Mr gelled. But I could be completely wrong( it’s happened before)
Uri Geller once spontaneously bent every spoon in a restaurant in the presence of the Israeli prime minister, which Netanyahu has attested to on a video. Randi’s demonstrations on Carson were inept. Unfortunately, under the pressure of the situation, Geller was unable to succeed on the show. https://www.urigeller.com/benjamin-netanyahu-on-uri-geller/
“Randi’, along with his contemporary Phill Klass, are among the worst sources from which to get honest, objective skeptical analysis of paranormal phenomena. These two were flim-flam men themselves in their own way – disingenuous at every turn. The ‘Randi’ documentary comes from a POV that shares Randi’s world-view and considers him a hero – you never want to base your ideas about an event or person from a single source.
I’m a little confused
I wrote a very eloquent reply that I can’t see here anymore.
At the risk of being redundant, I would very sincerely want to know your thoughts on the amazing Randi and all the others that have demonstrated his tricks such as spoon bending and finding the metal bottle thing with the ball bearing inside are easily replicate able and debunked him?
I’m honestly very curious on your thoughts.
I know the western definition of reality is false, and I am an experienced, but I also struggle with my inner skeptic , and know there are alot of people out there that prey on people. My mother lost her home partly due to spending money on various psychics that took advantage of her, and my family has fallen for everything from scientology to Mormons and everything in between. I just get a very bad vibe from Mr geller. I would be happy to be wrong(it’s happened before) if you deleted my last comment for some reason, I’m sorry to attempt to rewrite it, I would just really like to know your thoughts.
This went into the spam folder. We’ve retrieved it. Sometimes the site’s software does this. As to James Zwinge, (the Amazing Randi), as I prefer not to speak ill of the dead, he had many secrets and covered his tracks well. I do not think of him as a useful source of information.
Thank you for you time and gracious reply. I saw adoccumentary about “randi” and it made it seem very cut and dry. What a confusing and beautiful world we live in.
I get where you’re coming from. I have reservations about Geller as well myself. I think the preponderance of witness accounts point to Geller having some sort of paranormal abilities but I think even at SRI he had a mixed reception. To what extent those abilities manifest and are controllable is an open question. Geller’s personality, tendency to self aggrandize, make eyebrow raising statements and the sorts of hokey things he’s into (like this island thing) do not help his case.
Uri Geller is in love with life making his interviews enjoyable and refreshing;.
He deserves recognition for the same enthusiasm brought to the charity he established so that others too have a chance to live their lives to the fullest, which is after all, what he is doing.
I always enjoy Uri and I’m disheartened to hear criticism, yet on the other hand Uri bounces back full of life. Can’t please everyone I guess, fair enough.
I’d love to visit Tel Aviv some day and if I do I shall certainly visit his museum, it looks a blast. I wonder if any of his collection have mysterious energies around them? There is a small figurine of Kali Ma in the Tower of London and when I stood in front of it I started experiencing terrible stomach pains. I moved away from it quite quickly and they stopped.
Objects can have power. I shudder to think what happened in proximity to that small figurine when it was in a temple in India.
I don’t think criticism should dishearten anyone. Geller is a mixed bag with characteristics that clearly don’t resonate with many people and cause them to have doubts about the man. It doesn’t mean everything is a lie – I think he has been shown to have some abilities or is, at the very least, a nexus for strange events.
This Dreamland was full of fun, and we enjoyed it a lot— and laughed out loud in some spots!
I have been following Gellar’s life and ‘adventures’ since the early 70’s. He is the real-deal, and has handled his “gifts” with joy and optimism in a world sadly lacking in both. He makes no apologies for his ego, and is also aware of the needs of others—that is rare. (By the way, I paid a dollar that went to his charity and a stake in his island last year. I am of Scots descent and thought it was a pretty cool way to ‘waste’ a buck! )
So many ‘seers’ and psychically gifted people are serious so that they may be taken seriously. It can be a tough road, and if they choose to charge fees or make money, or profit at all from their abilities they can be treated with scorn. It also doesn’t help matters that psychics, like everyone else, have their bad days and are not going to hit the mark every time, and even great batters don’t hit a home run every time they step into the batter’s box (…and they strike out too…and probably make a lot more money than Gellar ).
Hear hear!
I’m still not completely sure what to think about Uri. He has certainly had the most fascinating of lives and become acquainted with many of the biggest names, as a result of the exposure due to his reputed abilities. He does like to name-drop like the best of them, whilst promoting the ‘Uri’ brand at every opportunity…however, he clearly does utilise that notoriety to help others, as much as he helps himself. He’s certainly no guru, with an ego the size of a planet, but at the same time, I think we could learn a great deal from him…in small doses.
I completely agree about the tendency for name dropping – it’s one of those things that puts me off of someone in a flash. It just adds to the traits that color him a bit shady.
The information on his site is interesting regarding the similarity between the layout of Lamb island and its two island counterparts, and how they mirror the relative positioning of the Giza pyramids. The overall orientation is clearly not there but I checked myself and although not exact, the relative positioning of the islands is a pretty close match. You have to give some leaway to what you would consider to be the centre of the largest island for it to be exact but close enough to give me pause for thought. Several thousand years BC, their peaks would likely have been on land… Hmm, I wonder.
Sherbet, there is so much going on that’s interesting about Scotland and its legends and myths that need more digging. I’ve been looking at some of these legends for awhile now.
Back in 2006, I contacted some archaeologists in Egypt regarding one tomb, KV-63, which was highlighted on the Discovery Channel in September, 2006. I actually got a response from them, but in my follow-up on the tomb over the years, they found more artifacts indicating that the tomb was from the 18th Dynasty, and not much else, other than the tomb was made for a female. (That was the dynasty of Akhenaten and Tutankhamun). The lead archaeologist, Dr. Otto Shaden, passed in 2015 which more-or-less shut down the work.
Here is the main part of my letter to the archaeologists:
” I am attempting to contact Dr. Otto Schaden in regards to another tomb, KV63. The discoveries made in this tomb were recently highlighted in a documentary on the Discovery Channel.
Particularly puzzling in regards to KV63 was a connection to Tutankhamun and the 18th Dynasty, with several coffins containing nothing more than shards of pottery and pillows. I recently became aware of an article, and new book, based on the ancient legends of Scota, the supposed daughter of a pharaoh who left Egypt and ended up in Europe. Supposedly, Scotland is named after Scota. The book in question, Scota, Egyptian Queen of the Scots by Ralph Ellis, suggests that Scota was really Ankhensenamun, one of the daughters of the alleged heretic king of Egypt, Akhenaten. Mr. Ellis has traced the origins of the Scota legends all the way back to 300 BC and the writings of an Egypto-Greek historian called Mantheo. If there is any shred of truth in this thesis, then it might explain the unusual conditions found in KV63 (What if Ankhensenamum faked her death as a cover for fleeing the country?)
…This is an unusual, yet intriguing story that just seems to dovetail with Dr. Schaden’s research into KV63.”
The response was that they felt it might be of interest to Dr. Shaden, and they would pass the information on to him. Of course, that was the last I heard from them. Suffice to say, that legends of the Scots and Irish have a strong, ancient Egyptian connection.
Many thanks for the reply Cosmic. That sounds absolutely fascinating and something I would very much like to know more about. The book you mentioned by Ralph Ellis sounds like a good place to start…and the paperback is less than £10 GBP on Amazon.
You’re welcome!
I didn’t include other information about connections between Scotland and the 18th Dynasty. It all seems crazy, but some experts are claiming that Tutankhamun may even have genetic connections to 50% of western Europeans.
It all needs a lot more verification/confirmation, but pieces do fit the legends. And Tutankhamun was married to his sister—Ankhensensamun. Egypt became a dangerous place for those wanting to wipe out all vestiges of the reign of Akhenaten, including his children. Tut even changed his name from Tutankhaten, but it may not have been enough.
I forgot to mention, that my heritage is a mix, from England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland and…
the Faroe Islands!
Although not spelled the same, a link between Scotland and the Egyptian Pharaohs sounds tantalising.
There is an interesting article here, about a historian’s theory that the Faroe Islands were discovered by the Egyptians 3500 years ago…
Intriguing…The Australians have the controversial Gosford Glyphs:
Is there any place the Egyptians didn’t visit? 🙂
Uri Geller, thank you so much for taking us through your museum. For me, it was such a visual treat.
I have always been curious, just a TMINER is, about Whitley’s thoughts on the Randi/Johnny Carson encounter with Uri Geller. I seem to remember Carson demonstrated on a later show how a magician can seemingly bend a spoon. Not sure about that though. James Randi was….well as Whitley comments I’d prefer not to speak ill of the deceased. But the defense of Mr. Geller I think has been that psychic phenomena are unpredictible and very difficult to replicate “on demand”. While true this always seems to play into an arrogant skeptic’s hands.
One thing I’ve learned about self-proclaimed skeptics like Randi is that they’re extremely good at showing that esoteric phenomena *can* be faked; however, they seem to be extremely poor at proving that abilities like Geller’s actually *are* faked.
That’s the root of their con: authoritatively presenting a possible explanation as the only explanation for what’s going on, and unfortunately people buy it.
Agreeing with Mr. Frizzell here. Showing that something can be done (or approximated) using mundane (albeit clever) methods does not prove or disprove anything. One thing has nothing to do with the other unless you can demonstrably replicate the conditions exactly and show where the trick was applied. none of the spoon bending demos I’ve seen by magicians actually look like actual spoonbending. This subject is near and dear to me because I actually did spoon (and fork) bending myself once using the Houck protocol some years ago. It is, unequivocally, a real thing.
The flip side of that thought is why do people with powers to shape our reality resort to hokey and easily replicatable parlor tricks? When I heard the guy bent every spoon in a restaurant that seemed very silly ro me. Made me think of the scene in the movie “the jerk” where Steve Martin says “he hates these cans!” Does Mr geller hate spoons? Or is he in the pocket of big spoon forcing everyone to buy new spoons all the time.
Also, he very well could have the power to do these things and also be a con man. Whitley often talks about being honest about the dark side of these issues and people with a little knowledge or power that prey on people is a very real danger.
Firstly, people are constantly surprised or confounded by things because they confuse the picture they are given of the world, through the various media, with reality. In short, we don’t know that all they do is resort to parlor tricks. That said, focusing on the spoons is not seeing the forest from the trees. I’m sure it didn’t seem silly to everyone in that restaurant who saw their spoon bend. Now was that a paranormal event? I have no idea. It was not a controlled environment and I’m not sure if it was a random place or somewhere where he would perform regularly.
I fully agree that he and others with genuine ability could also be duplicitous people. Geller has a big ego and a tendency for the outlandish. It also seems clear that he’s had at least some training as a magician. Those things alone don’t make a con-man but I am just wary of the man and his claims myself.
I greatly enjoyed the video podcast. Mr. Geller certainly has a lot of energy and is very passionate about his very interesting life and museum. In the video, Uri mentioned a letter which was released by the CIA which was written by Hal Puthoff (SRI). You mentioned you would provide a link to the letter which I would enjoy reading. I was unable to locate the link. If you could provide the link it would be greatly appreciated.
Whitley, I appreciate all you do. I have been a big fan since I read your book Communion back in 1987. Thanks!!
You’re welcome!
I didn’t include other information about connections between Scotland and the 18th Dynasty. It all seems crazy, but some experts are claiming that Tutankhamun may even have genetic connections to 50% of western Europeans.
It all needs a lot more verification/confirmation, but pieces do fit the legends. And Tutankhamun was married to his sister—Ankhensensamun. Egypt became a dangerous place for those wanting to wipe out all vestiges of the reign of Akhenaten, including his children. Tut even changed his name from Tutankhaten, but it may not have been enough.
Thank you corvinus for you measured, thoughtful, and helpful comments. I literally believe in everything but I’m very wary of those who are out for themselves or to manipulate. And got an intuitive flashing red light on this guy.
Thank you mr strieber for the same and making this website and these conversations possible.
It was my pleasure to exchange ideas with you, tminer. cheers!
I didn’t know Whitley and Uri where friends. I’m even more amazed that Uri had met Stan Lee. Perhaps that dream regarding Marvel perhaps had more significance than I thought.
I remember reading a book on Uri Geller in my college’s library back 10+ years ago and learning a lot about him. It was pretty trippy that random viewers would experience various phenomena such as watches stopping while watching a program with Uri on it.
And the doubters and naysayers trying to trap him or having a misconceptions on anybody who can perform such feats might be an ancient human psychological problem where they expect such people to be as infallible as a literal deity on earth.
I’ve worked with people who where friends of Trump and even my boss of that time was an acquaintance of him(he interviewed him pre-2016.). That reminds me, before I had met this group, I did out of the blue, make an app in March 2016 about Trump vs Bernie, with a hidden message at the end, if you won as Trump, it says he’ll win, but if you win the game as Bernie, he vaguely says he won’t win. Then later that year is when I met that group of people while I worked as a Freelancer.
The story about Larry Geller and Elvis and the synchronicity of it appearing in the same issue of the National Inquirer that a story about Uri and his mother was remarkable. Using telekinesis to cheat and move the ball in that scottish game and part of the reason for buying Lamb Island being as a form of expression of forgiveness to Scotsland had to be the funniest one out of all of them.
Glad to see that there was another witness to Uri’s childhood encounter with an orb of light, it makes me wonder if that incident was other worldly entities activating something that already existed in Uri that allows him to do all these things.
The bending of all the spoons and forks in the restaurant had to be my favorite story.
I think before this podcast, the last thing I read about Uri Geller was people discussing what Uri was doing in the present and somebody mentioned that he was dousing for oil for large corporations, which he now confirms in this podcast with the Mexican Oil Company story.
Uri Geller truly is a remarkable individual, who like Whitley, has lived a very astonishing life, and his museum is a testament to this. I think Whitley said it best that Uri’s life is a celebration of hidden, remarkable powers.
I myself have the gift as well, but expressed in a different manner. The one I revealed in the forums are dreams I have of the future, with some having come true immediately. I have other gifts, but I have been unsure on how to talk about them exactly.