Dreamland at its most informative and unforgettable. Andrew Collins is back with a mind opening and mind bending new discovery. His richly informative and magnificently illustrated new book, Karahan Tepe: Civilization of the Annunaki and the Cosmic Origins of the Serpent of Eden takes us deep into our lost past and leads us to vitally important new understanding of just what was happening during the unfolding cataclysm of 9,000 BCE. What is the hidden meaning of the serpent, which is a symbol common to ancient cultures from Turkey to the Americas and across the world? This show sheds light into a dark corner and a denied reality.

Visit Andrew Collins on his great website, AndrewCollins.com

Did you know that you can go on the adventure of a lifetime in Turkey with Andrew as your guide? Click here for more information!

To get Karahan Tepe, visit Andrew’s website or click here.

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  1. Whitley,
    I enjoyed the show with Andres Collins. You mentioned a third 1/2 hour for subscribers with a meditation on orbs. I am a subscriber but my podcast ended at about an hour. if not just me, will you be amending the podcast or separately issuing the meditation?

  2. Author

    I am working on this. The fires around here and all the disruption have thrown me off my schedule. I will hopefully get it up over the weekend.

    1. Thank you, Whitley. Many of us are praying for your health and safety <3

  3. Andrew Collins, you are one of my MOST FAVORITE researchers. Thank you for this interview. I have this feeling that… SCOTLAND is waiting/calling you…in regard to your new research at Stonehenge…ALTAR STONES.

  4. Thank you Whitley and Andrew! This was one of your best shows ever!

  5. I find the serpentine symbology in the carvings and temples in Anatolia fascinating. Interesting to compare this to the legend of the benevolent “feathered serpent deity” Quetzalcoatl in Mezo-America. What was it about snakes that so enchanted and enthralled our ancient ancestors?

  6. I posted this on the message board a day or so go, but in light of some things said about Neanderthals, telepathy, and autism by Andrew, I’m putting the link here too:

    “How Neandertal DNA May Affect the Way We Think

    DNA inherited from Neandertals may influence modern human cognition”


    I’ve got so many remarkable books by Andrew Collins, that I will be getting ‘Karahan Tepe’ as well. If you are not familiar with Andrew and his work, now is the time to get started and check out the reading list on his website.

    1. Interesting how Scientific America is of the paradigm where we look for genes that cause disease so that we can sell cures and not at the beneficial genes that present it. I understand that in a genetic bottleneck recessive genes may be accumulated, but we study disease and that is what we look at.

      “Although we don’t yet know whether the Neandertal DNA associated with autism is also linked to intelligence, savant­ism or general creativity, we are slowly connecting the dots.”.

      Not any of them in this article, except a brief mention that they might exist. Neandertal had larger brains, more technology, and more complex social activities including the earliest burial practices. They taught us many things, but that is not the party line – we need to be superior in the mythological belief based science.

  7. Super interesting! I just returned from Delphi. The myth of the “founding” of it is that it was once an ancient site to Gaia, so a neolithic mother earth goddess site, where there was a giant “snake,” who was probably the high priestess. However, in the museum in a frieze showing Apollo murdering her, she has the head of a dragon though. I think that often the serpent and the dragon are confused in interpretation and translations over time. Anyway, Apollo arrives from the north (Hyperborea) and is caucasian (blonde hair/blue eyes) in a chariot. Probably had a crown with rays made of gold, like the sythian gold from the Caucasus mountains (to the north). He was obviously an invading Aryan colonizer from the Caucasus who became deified. Then the female Pythia who was trained from girlhood was kept like a prisoner to prophesy to the pilgrims and it was stated that the prophecies came from Apollo. The power of the ancient neolithic mother goddess was harnessed for the colonizers who built the Athenian empire that we still hold in the highest esteem because of its engineering and warlike culture. Yes, there was philosophy, based on deductive reasoning and rationalism, which has separated us from our unity consciousness and oriented us toward the egoic perspective of conquering, separation, identity, nationalism–so many causes of war and suffering and the demise of Nature, the very necessity of our survival as a species. When we put the Athenians and Ancient and Classical Greeks on a pedestal as a model, the way that Western culture has for over a thousand years, we are glorifying war and the kind of political and climate disasters that we are experiencing right now. This is the propaganda of the story and that place, where women were imprisoned in the house instead of allowed to participate in democracy. I saw it all over Greece but most clearly at Delphi where the power of the priestess who channeled the mother goddess or Gaia, was usurped and harnessed by the colonizer.

    1. Thankyou, Twig. So many layers to how we got here. I appreciate this through line. And, this show was so helpful at keeping us looking at the deeper truths of our past. Always appreciate your work Whitley, AND the community on here. Grateful.

  8. I just realized that my name changed didn’t take when I changed my profile pic. I’ve decided to go ahead and go to my.normy name.

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