Krystal Kelley travels the world on a continuing adventure. Listen as she tells us of everything from her recent UFO experience at a legendary hotspot in Puerto Rico to a harrowing story of nearly disappearing on a journey into Siberia to an incredibly eerie and disturbing secret about 911! And yes, this is her first time on Dreamland but it won’t be her last!
Join Crystal in the adventure at UOnEarth.com and on her Youtube Channel @Krystalizedmind.
NOTE 8/3/2024 11:40AM Pacific: Audio stream issue is resolved. Streams are running normally.
Dreamland Video podcast
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Krystal mentioned the work of Veda Austin, regarding an intelligence presenting itself within frozen water. I have to say, if those results are truly representative of what can be acheived by anyone with a glass petri dish, water and a home freezer, then I am astounded…
This seems fairly easy to test. Might be worth doing so.
It does indeed.
I’ve already downloaded the PDF that describes the freezing process and related details. I have also just put in an Amazon order for some flat-bottomed petri dishes, so I can start having a play.
Sherbet, there was a wonderful book published in 2005, ‘The Hidden Messages in Water’, by Masaru Emoto. He may have been the first to write about water and take photos of how we can affect it with thoughts, words, and emotions. There are some photos on his website:
Thanks for the information and link, Cosmic.
This is such an interesting subject, that can be approached scientifically but is also accessible enough to be gawped at from the comfort of your own kitchen.
If I get to the point where I can get some clear enough pictures, I might see if adding a polorized sheet above and below the frozen layer might reveal additional detail, or help improve the contrast of the patterns.
Aside from the scientific approach of assessing the qualities of small crystalline structures, the more subjective approach of looking for pictures in the ice, might seem on the surface to be akin to describing ink blots in a Rorschach test…but looking at the test pictures and resulting patterns produced, there seems to be more too it than merely a subjective interpretation…there appears to be some degree of repeatability to it.
I would be interested to see if the water responds to images and objects without an external observer (experimenter)…in another words, does the water appear to have some level of independent capacity, or are the effects the result of a projected effect from the conscious observer.
Anyway, if I see no correlating results, then at least I will be left with some beautiful photographs…oh yeah, and a few empty petri dishes!
Agreed! And there is more to it. Recently, I ordered a book by Laird Scranton that came out last year, ‘The Waters of Life: Ancient Symbology of Life Energy ‘:
Laird writes and researches some fascinating topics.
Let us know about your experiments…and the ‘Schroedinger’s Cat’ aspects!
The link and download both on here and podcast sites is not working.
What a little gem of a show. That the discussion hinted that our atmosphere may be a conscious ocean was a blessed relief to hear.
I’ve pondered this for years. The only circular UFO disc I ever saw was a shared sighting with a colleague in an open blue sky. The white disc was same white grey shade as clouds and the disc folded in half and disappeared. I felt it/they were showing themselves to help me keep focus and strive for change. It worked.
When we expire, some people report seeing a grey mist rise from the body. Looks like a bio-luminous cloud rising up. I can’t help but wonder if water molecules hold consciousness and share their experience into our beautiful environment.
Consider this, so many techniques involving pranic breathing are freeing systems. Breath and share.. draw in consciousness and release density.
All in all a terrific interview and I’m amazed the comments section isn’t packed?
There was a problem with the audio feed. It just started running a few minutes ago. So I do hope people listen and comment because it is really a good show. Krystal has become my social media manager also.
Of all the disturbing and even terrifying things that have been discussed on Dreamland, none have left me as freaked out as Krystal’s description of the events of 9/11. I don’t know how to begin to wrap my head around this.
When anything along these lines comes up, however, I’m always reminded of the X-Files spinoff, The Lone Gunman. An episode that ran sometime around 9/9/01 concerned a plot to fly a small plane into the Statue of Liberty in order to start a war, specifically to be able to cash in on arms deals. (The plot was foiled at the last second, of course.)
I’ve always wondered, did someone working on the show hear of some intelligence related to this? Was the idea just out there in the zeitgeist and they tapped into it intuitively? SOMETHING more than coincidence was going on.
Whitley, I’m very intrigued by your schedule. It seems that you never sleep more than 2-3 hours at a time. And you say you’re never tired. Fascinating.
I don’t believe we know everything about the 9/11 events either. I know there were a group of architects that toured around North America that were doing presentations on how the collapse of the towers was just illogical in nature; they came to my town here but I didn’t get to go. But this extra layer to that hypothesis intrigues me even more. This is information that needs to be out there. I mean, what the hell else is going on or being planned that we might not know about?
There is no end of dodginess, changing stories and information that just doesn’t make sense, surrounding the 9/11 event.
One of these is the BBC reporting the collapse of building 7, half an hour before it actually fell. Apparently it is the one partially obscured (to the right hand side) of the reporters head in this excerpt…
Another bit of information that sounds highly suspect to me, is that on the morning of 9/11, NORAD was running a simulation called “Vigilant Guardian”, that included scenarios of hijacked planes. This involded close cooperation with the FAA, who also participated in the exercise. Not surprisingly, this initially caused confusion amongst both the FAA and military when the real hijackings were taking place.
These are just a few of many examples.
I had a colleague that was retired Air Force, and he was in the air that day during the ‘exercise’. He had also been stationed at Nellis AFB. He trusted me, but I also wish now that I had asked him some questions. It’s probably best that I didn’t.
One more thing worth noting: After so many years, I doubt if many remember a spin-off of ‘X Files’, the short-lived series, ‘The Lone Gunmen’. The pilot episode was very prescient, and I double checked when it aired, which was March 4, 2001.
This was the plot:
“In the pilot episode, which aired March 4, 2001 (exactly six months and one week prior to the September 11 attacks[5]), rogue members of the U.S. government remotely hijack an airliner flying to Boston, planning to crash it into the World Trade Center, and let anti-American terrorist groups take credit, to gain support for a profitable new war following the Cold War. The heroes ultimately override the controls, foiling the plot”
The episode on YouTube can be found here:
What has been a weird set of synchroncities over the last week for me is around 9/11. Last Thursday, a friend and I discussed 9/11 and our own experiences that day. Then Friday, I listened to this episode of Dreamland where it was discussed, and in the midst of this was a controversy in the news about plea deals with the alleged plotters of the attack—who’ve been housed in the Guantanamo Military base in Cuba for at least 20 years.
Yes, this part of the show was quite disturbing. I suppose that the airchecks were never returned to the TV station? Also, did the “men in black” identify themselves as police/FBI or something?
This is a story I’ve never shared publicly; telling this story on Whitley’s podcast felt right. He has continually told his truth, regardless of what others might think or say and that is very inspiring to me. I had a download that said, “the timing is now” and so I fully shared my story. Before this, I was literally scared for what the ramifications might hold if I told this story and it was recorded & what might happen. But, disclosure is now and these stories about the lies we are told need to come to light. I’ve released the fear because the truth is important; even if it is my truth, I have to be true to myself and speak openly; I’m not hiding anymore ☀️
I sleep in two 2 to 3 hour segments at night. I know a great deal about how the brain cleans itself at night and how important sleep is to memory. And yet I have a wonderful memory and I’m rarely tired. I guess it’s some kind of a blessing. It enables me to work my ass off and if there’s anything I know about the visitors, at least the ones who are interested in this guy, it is thst they like to work very hard. And I do too!😁
A lot of her information is jumbled.
Moksha is not a being or spirit. It’s merely a concept, and it means liberation, not enlightenment, per say.
Excellent show. Thanks to both of you!
I’d like to suggest something for everyone to consider. It is with regard to water being consciousness.
Whenever you discard a used plastic water bottle please please unscrew the top when you throw it away do not trap any residual water inside.
Completely remove the top and allow any water within to evaporate or escape and rejoin the tapestry of consciousness.
Wow! Thank you for that tip; I will be very mindful of those water bottles and their lids; I don’t want to trap any consciousness ❤️