Over the past few years, I have watched Art Bell and his family walk through the dark places of hell. I have seen the quiet courage of heartland America at work, and the deep injuries to the soul that come from being treated to irresponsible attention from the media.

Now Art is retiring from radio. For each of us who love him, who respect what he stands for, his voice is to become part of our past. But his vision must continue on, for it is a vision vital to the health of this country’s mind and heart.

Art Bell has been accused of being a sensationalizer and an alarmist. However, he is something very different and very much more important. What he has done is to create a forum for rejected knowledge in a society that rejects far too much of it.read more

I thought I would like to write a little bit about Dreamland. First, to thank everybody who listens. Second, to say that all the e-mail is really very welcome. But remember that we get about 5,000 e-mails a month, so we can’t answer everybody. Also, we are finding that e-mail is not instantaneous, so questions for the show are coming a little late sometimes.

Keith is working on this. He hopes to have a system up on the website that will enable something close to instant messaging. You’d think that we could use AOL Instant Messaging, but the problem is that each new message will pop up a new window on my computer in the studio, which will not work.
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–New Study Shows Repressed Memories are Real

It is two thirty in the morning on March 17. I have just awakened from one of the most disturbing nightmares of my life. In this nightmare, I am in a school. It?s about 1948, and the school is in a large building that is, I believe, on Randolph Air Force Base. Our teacher is Dr. Krause. I am sent to conduct two new students up (or down) to the classroom. We must take an enormous freight elevator that has a door the slides open to one side, and then double doors that crack up and down.
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The comments about the Second Coming in my last journal entry have caused some consternation among Christians. This was not my intention. What I was trying to say was that Christianity is an inner state as well as an outer one. I feel that literalists–and by this I do not mean all fundamentalists- -are not looking within for the kingdom, and that is where the gospel says it is found. Heaven is a condition of the living soul, which is why Christ identified it as being within us. It is easy to find our guilt and weakness. The real courage comes when we find the greatness that is within, and face the task of living up to it. How close is Christ to us? He is breathing our breath. So look for the Second Coming right now, every moment.
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