Steven Greer has released a group of documents that he alleges confirm the existence and purpose of "Project Aquarius," a 1950s era top secret UFO study group within the government. Are they authentic documents? No way to tell at this time. We’ll keep following the story. To read Greer’s post, click on the source link.
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The use of drones to hoax UFOs is reminiscent of the 2008–2010 use of sky lanterns. The sky lantern hoaxes died away, and so will the drone hoaxes, in time. Probably the least interesting you can do with a drone is to use it for a hoax like this, but it’s the first thing that occurs to people like Energy Online.
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This snapshot was submitted by an Unknowncountry reader from Malaysia. According to our experts, it was an authentic UFO. Looks like they missed on this one.
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Your Out There editor just saw this one, and I’m intrigued. Contrary to a couple of the comments from other viewers, this isn’t an insect or a bat. No animal moves like that. And I am fairly sure that it’s not a CGI effect, although I can’t be certain of that. I’d grade this as an interesting possible unknown.
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