This object was taped in Switzerland the week of July 20th. It is impossible to tell whether or not it’s authentic, but as barrel-shaped UFOs are uncommon, it doesn’t seem likely that this form would be chosen by a hoaxer. It is moving very slowly and therefore could be aread more

Houston resident Lee Wutang was walking her dog shortly after sunset on June 27 when a neighbor pointed out a cluster of five strange glowing orbs drifting along the horizon. Wutang reported that the objects she recorded appeared to be a “cool white color” that were otherwise silent in a mostly-cloudless more

Houston resident Lee Wutang was walking her dog shortly after sunset on June 27 when a neighbor pointed out a cluster of five strange glowing orbs drifting along the horizon. Wutang reported that the objects she recorded appeared to be a “cool white color” that were otherwise silent in aread more

This video was shot by an Unknowncountry user on the night of March 10, 2020 in his hometown of Springfield, Oregon. The sky was clear at the time, with some high broken cloud. The lights appeared the size of a dime to the naked eye, but do not seem asread more