The data being gathered by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is upending the scientific community’s theories of galactic formation and evolution, with the incoming images showing that both the number of galaxies and their relative complexity—amongst other conundrums—were much greater in the early universe than originally anticipated. “We hadread more

Whitley and his experiences at his family cabin in upstate New York are the focus of a new documentary titled Shock Docs: The Visitors, airing on the Travel Channel and streaming on discovery+ on Monday, September 5. After nearly three decades Whitley returns to the cabin where his 1985 encounter with the Visitors took place, documentedread more

Researchers have identified the evolutionary changes to our larynx that enables humans to produce the complex sounds necessary for the development of speech, while our primate relatives are unable to do so, despite having similar physical vocal structures. Paradoxically, the changes that occurred didn’t involve an increase in the complexityread more