THE SKY STRETCHED OUT BEFORE ME is a fascinating collection of autobiographical essays from noted astrologer and writer Ray Grasse. Drawing on episodes from the author’s life, it presents an exploration of consciousness and the nature of reality, touching on such wide-ranging subjects as synchronicity, symbolism, mythology, Fortean phenomena, and the arts. Also included are discussions of the author’s experiences in Egypt, the American Southwest, and studies under teachers in the Kriya Yoga and Zen traditions.

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1 Comment

  1. I just became a subscriber! Mr. Grasse is very enjoyable. In regards to comparing Buddhisms, I will say that as a practioner of Nichiren through SGI that one of the fundamental differences between these schools, is that the SGI works with the daily life desires and frustrations and drives to motivate the practioner to seek his innate Buddha rather than extinguishing desire- very different- and purely Mayhayana. And to Whitley- please speak to those involved with mediumistic studies and find that though exciting, Anne’s ability to have and experience separate parts of her ( our) very large soul is not unique or unknown or newly known- ( Janes Van Praagh- perhaps?) thank you for a revelatory and wonderful program as always. Whitley, I have been enjoying your work as an author and pod caster- for a very long time- you have shined a light on unusual experiences in my life by filling a unique mission. With sincerity, Ruth MarieThomas Nofchissey

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