The Decline of the Presidency

November 22, 2000
Thirty seven years ago today, as of the moment I just put pen to paper, John F. Kennedy was shot dead in Dallas, Texas by unknown assassins, for unknown reasons. From that moment to this, the American Presidency has been... continued

A President Elected by Chance

November 14, 2000
Two weak candidates, a hung election. Who could have expected otherwise? Not only that, they begin making spectacles of themselves almost immediately. First, Al Gore, foolishly relying on television news as his source, concedes. Then, a few minutes later, he... continued

My Vote For President

October 31, 2000
In Texas, you can vote early (and, in the past, often), and Anne and I cast our ballots last week. By mutual agreement, we do not discuss our voting preferences, so I have no idea how she voted. As I... continued

A National Disaster

October 22, 2000
Congress has just passed one of the worst bills ever devised. It is the Intelligence Authorization Act of 2001, which quietly adds powers to the Executive Branch that will extend unprecedented powers to the presidency and all but destroy the... continued

The Reason for the Secrecy

August 25, 2000
From the first, the UFO question has been shrouded in secrecy. Some blame the US government for this, and that isn't wrong. But it is also true that whatever is behind this phenomenon is also extremely secretive and careful. However,... continued

A World In Chaos

July 22, 2000
The world's weather is deteriorating much more rapidly than Art Bell and I ever dreamed possible when we were writing the Coming Global Superstorm. At the same time, the media and the government continue to take a wait-and-see posture. Worse,... continued

Art Bell

April 3, 2000
Over the past few years, I have watched Art Bell and his family walk through the dark places of hell. I have seen the quiet courage of heartland America at work, and the deep injuries to the soul that come... continued

The Dreamland Radio Program

March 24, 2000
I thought I would like to write a little bit about Dreamland. First, to thank everybody who listens. Second, to say that all the e-mail is really very welcome. But remember that we get about 5,000 e-mails a month, so... continued

More Childhood Memories and Another Encounter

March 18, 2000
--New Study Shows Repressed Memories are Real It is two thirty in the morning on March 17. I have just awakened from one of the most disturbing nightmares of my life. In this nightmare, I am in a school. It?s... continued


January 4, 2000
The comments about the Second Coming in my last journal entry have caused some consternation among Christians. This was not my intention. What I was trying to say was that Christianity is an inner state as well as an outer... continued