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Health Care
September 13, 2009Normally, I don't write journals about political matters. That isn't what this website is for, and I want people of every political persuasion to be comfortable here. Of course, the people of the extreme left and the extreme right are... continued
Will First Contact come in China?
September 9, 2009Americans have always assumed that first open contact will unfold in the United States. In fact, this has never been a very likely scenario, not from the time that the US military began shooting at UFOs back in the forties.... continued
Coming Loose in Time
September 4, 2009This week's Dreamland (09/05/09) features an interview with a pioneering timeworker, Starfire Tor. The reason is that, as our relationship to time changes, certain people are tuning to it in a different way, Starfire among them. The reason I know... continued
Why I think there’s a Soul…and an Afterlife
August 13, 2009Recently I had an experience that convinced me that there is an afterlife. Actually, it was two experiences, which came after a lifetime of episodes that have suggested, with varying degrees of conviction, that the soul exists and persists after... continued
Have Joy
August 7, 2009My last journal entry was about the dark side of my close encounter experience, and quite a few people wrote asking me why I kept on. Why not just sell the cabin and get out of there, and why keep... continued
The Anguish and Pain of My Rape
August 5, 2009On December 26, 1985, I was raped, and yesterday I made yet another visit to the doctor to be treated for the consequences. The injury has long healed, but the body remembers, and every few years, the excruciating pain of... continued
In the Clutches of the Fallen
July 14, 2009Today I saw in Unknowncountry's Out There section a witness report that suggests that on July 10, the military shot at UFOs that appeared over Fort Lewis, Washington. That the US military has done so in the past is now... continued
What if the Grays Show Up?
July 6, 2009This year's crop formation activity suggests that the grays are coming ever closer to us. I don't think that anyone except those in a compulsive state of denial can still rationally claim that the crop formations appearing in England are,... continued
The Amazing Dreamland Festival
June 30, 2009I have been trying to figure out how to write about this year's Dreamland Festival and having a hard time. Some things happened there that were beyond the extraordinary, and I just almost don't know where to begin. One thing:... continued
Unstuck in Time
June 18, 2009Last week I experienced two odd little slips in time, to add to a growing list of such events in my life over the past thirty years. On the same day that one of the slips took place, I opened... continued