Getting Inside Your Head: Media & Mind Control by Richard Dolan

January 23, 2003
Within today's straitjacket of news coverage, factual information on UFOs is nearly non-existent. To obtain anything worthwhile, you need to bypass Big Media altogether. But every now and then, a tiny blip registers on the mainstream radar. Such as the... continued

Are the Raelian Cloners Crazy By Richard Dolan

January 15, 2003
Just because I write about UFOs doesnt mean I think everyone who believes in UFOs is (a) correct about their specific beliefs, (b) honest, or (c) in their right mind. Yes, there are many serious, intelligent, even brilliant investigators who... continued

From a Marine in Afghanistan

January 5, 2003
This e-mail comes from a Marine stationed in Afghanistan. It tells a story you will not read in the conventional media, but it is the truth of just what our soldiers face in Afghanistan. I'm here in Afghan and it... continued

New Ossuary NOT First Jesus Evidence

October 30, 2002
After reading our story about the casket of Jesus being discovered, Laurence Gardner, author and popular Dreamland guest, wrote: Recently, much has been written about the inscribed Jerusalem ossuary (bone casket) attributed to Jesus' brother James, as brought to light... continued

Walking a Tightrope

October 20, 2002
Richard Dolan, author of UFOs and the National Security State, click here writes: We walk as a civilization over a tightrope, high above a rocky ravine. Falling is a real possibility within the next twenty years. If not, a wild... continued

Nazis Still Experimenting on Humans

October 16, 2002
One of our readers, who wishes to remain anonymous, wrote us concerning our September 27 news story, "Nazi Secrets Uncovered",click here. In the story we said, "In the summer of 1944, Hirt (a Nazi doctor who did bizarre experiments on... continued

The Mystery of Pine Gap

October 8, 2002
THE PURPOSE OF PINE GAP Some of the following information was derived from an impeccable scientific source who, up to the time of his retirement occupied a key position among the Australian scientific elite. Due to his position he was... continued

True Origin of Crop Circles Baffles Scientists by Leslie Kean

October 2, 2002
From the Providence (RI) Journal: Since the release of Hollywoods Signs and the documentary Crop Circles: Quest for Truth, crop circles have suddenly been thrust into the limelight. Major publications such as Scientific American, National Geographic and US News and... continued

The Face in the Fields

September 27, 2002
U.K. Cropcircle investigator Lucy Pringle, who creates our beautiful crop circle calendars and postcards, talks about her research of the Face and Computer Disk crop circle, which was the most controversial circle of the recent season. She writes: It all... continued

Sunken Cuban City May Be Atlantis by Andrew Collins

September 19, 2002
[At a recent conference in Virginia Beach], I opened the proceedings by giving an account of how I came to learn of the recent discovery of a lost city in deep water off the west coast of Cuba, close to... continued