Walter Cronkite’s Phenomenal UFO Encounter

August 6, 2003
Paranormal researcher Bill Knell offers this recollection of an extraordinary conversation with famed newsman Walter Cronkite. Read the story below and visit Bill's website, the Unexplained. Hes the Newsperson that was there during some of the most history- making events... continued

You Have Two Cows…

July 25, 2003
DEMOCRAT You have two cows. Your neighbor has none. You feel guilty for being successful. You vote people into office that put a tax on your cows, forcing you to sell one to raise money to pay the tax. The... continued

Letter from Senegal

July 14, 2003
The reality of the president's visit to Africa is very different from what is appearing in the American press, now openly controlled by tacit agreement between the big corporations that own it and the government. This letter is from an... continued

Letter from Baghdad

July 5, 2003
Why is Baghdad suffering This question is on everybody's lips. Electricity, we have heard, has been restored in all other towns. Only Baghdad is being denied this basic life support. As the heat increases, so does the desperation and bitterness... continued

Next Election: More of the SameNo Matter Who Wins

July 3, 2003
Michael C. Ruppert, at From The Wilderness, quotes Paul Krugman, who wrote in June 24 The New York Times: "There is no longer any serious doubt that Bush administration officials deceived us into war. The key question now is why... continued

More Brazil Abduction Controversy

June 21, 2003
A. J. Gevaerd, Brazilian MUFON Director, offers this response to Linda Moulton Howe and her defense of the Urandir Oliveira case in Brazil, and U.S. researcher Richard Dolan's defense of Ms. Howe. The Brazilian Bedsheet Abduction Case, by A.J. Gaevard... continued

Scientist Phyllis Budinger Says Her Analysis of Brazil Bedsheets Does Not Support Anything Unusual

June 12, 2003
Linda Moulton Howe published on her website excerpts from a report about burns on a bedsheet given to her as evidence of an alleged alien abduction in Brazil. The scientist who made this report, Phyllis Budinger, offers this statement about... continued

How Did Monkey Pox Get Here from Africa By Henry Willis

June 11, 2003
Monkey Pox is an African disease, like Ebolaso why is it turning up here Henry Willis reports that U.S. Midwestern prairie dogs have the Monkey Pox virus, and the disease has recently been transmitted to humans. Monkey Pox is indistinguishable... continued

Summer Weather–What’s Ahead by Henry Willis

May 21, 2003
The tornadoes of May 2003 have come, but they are not gone. During the first two weeks of May there were almost 500 tornadoes. This is a record that will be broken year after year as Earths climate continues to... continued

What’s Happening with the Tornadoes By Henry Willis

May 16, 2003
The first two weeks of May this year saw the largest cluster of tornadoes in the Midwestern U.S. since record keeping began in 1950. In a ten day period of time, 465 tornadoes touched ground. There is a clear explanation... continued