Anne’s Diary: the Love That Led Me Home, Republished

January 15, 2024
This edition of Anne's Diary was published twenty years ago. It is so valuable and so beautiful, I thought that I would publish it again for the many thousands of new visitors to who have never read it. It... continued

New Anne’s Diary: Souls, Bodies and an Offer of Teaching

August 12, 2021
From Whitley: I think that I got another communication from Anne. I have tried to reproduce it as best I am able. My impression is that she, or the soul who she is now, is available to anybody who wants... continued

New Anne’s Diary: The Peace of the Heart

December 2, 2020
From Whitley: Yesterday, I recorded an interview with a remarkable seer, Cherylee Black, who had perhaps the most intense experience with Anne of them all. As I have said before, I am no channel. But after the interview, Anne came... continued

Turning to the Gold in the Heart in a Time of Fear

May 13, 2020
This is from Anne: The only thing that remains of us after the body dies is the love that we created in the world. If we don't create any, then we are no more. In a troubled time, it becomes... continued

New Anne’s Diary: Anne is not Me, but I am Anne

November 9, 2019
From Whitley: I am pretty sure I got a new Anne's Diary at last. It happened this morning during my 3AM meditation, which was extraordinarily productive. For the past few nights, I have been getting waked up for it, which... continued

A New Anne’s Diary!

April 13, 2019
I have recently experienced Anne's presence very strongly. She has been much in evidence in my dream life and in my meditations. She is filled with joy. I have no other way to express it. Last night and this morning... continued

The Fate of Souls in a Joyous World

April 27, 2018
First, I want to talk to you, Whitley. Your ego is getting in my way because you are too afraid of being wrong. It is your obligation to use the talents you have been given, which means taking more chances... continued

The Fate of Souls in a Joyous World

April 26, 2018
First, I want to talk to you, Whitley. Your ego is getting in my way because you are too afraid of being wrong. It is your obligation to use the talents you have been given, which means taking more chances... continued

Love is Holographic

December 29, 2017
I have another diary entry from Anne. Again, the subject is love and again it's very original. It is the first time I have ever seen the concept that love is holographic. I find it quite astonishing and I dearly... continued

Anne’s Diary: Being Outside of Time

October 3, 2017
I have had communication from Anne today. She wants to contribute a new diary. Here it is: I have been watching time slide by. I realized that I could see it. How to say this, though? Language is a memory... continued