This is from Anne: The only thing that remains of us after the body dies is the love that we created in the world. If we don’t create any, then we are no more. In a troubled time, it becomes very hard to weave the tapestry of life with love’s colors, chief among them the eternal color, which is gold. As we become more desperate and more fearful, we also become more angry and violent. The cries of rage drown the subtle voice of love. The heart, however, forgets nothing and the love within it is always there to be rediscovered.

Remember that the situation now is nobody’s fault. It is not the fault of China, of America, of anybody. One way or another, it was certain to happen. It is the fault, simply, of the fact that there are more people than Earth can safely hold. It is the fault of the way we are built.

But what does that matter if your job is gone and you face loss of your home and all that you have gathered in service to you and those you love? How does a good heart mix with an empty bank account and the man down the street carrying an awful disease?

There is a vibration of love around the heart. You can go to it and feel it if you try. Contained in it is all the love you have ever known, and you can put more love there any time you remember. Any simple act of giving, or accepting the need of another living creature puts more love there. And don’t forget yourself. Self love, when mixed with honest insight, is very healthy for the heart! That insight comes mostly from laughter. When you laugh at yourself is when you can truly see yourself.

I love you and I am glad you are with my husband. I am here, too.

From Whitley: While I was meditating with friends this morning, I heard Anne and knew that she had a new diary. But, as you know, I  do not move ahead without confirmation. I said nothing about Anne’s presence.

Immediately after the meditation, one of the members of the little group sent out an email with a drawing of something she had seen in her own experience: a moth!

She wrote, “During the meditation I had a vision of a moth/butterfly with one dark wing and one white wing. When she–I–expanded the wings, a column of energy was revealed in the center. The gold from the center then extended outward to encompass the entirety in gold.”

As you know, from the beginning Anne made the white moth the sign of her presence, so I knew at once that this was the confirmation I needed.

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  1. Wonderful.

    “the only thing that remains of us after the body dies is the love that we created in the world.”

    I love these words.

    Something I’ve been wondering:
    What all accounts in the afterlife for the love we create in this world?

    It was great to see this insight on how to create love:

    “Any simple act of giving, or accepting the need of another living creature puts more love there. And don’t forget yourself. Self love, when mixed with honest insight, is very healthy for the heart!”

    Thank you to you both.

  2. A beautiful and inspiring message. Thank you both.

    There is so much fear and anger in our world today as we contend with the pandemic and everything else that it can be overwhelming. But the message and practice of love will let us grow through these times. One dark wing and one white wing—we need both to fly and become golden.

  3. And, in the end
    The love you take
    Is equal to the love
    You make.

    –The Beatles, “The End”

  4. My goodness! I had asked under your excellent new jurnal if Anne had any thoughts on our current situation. I did not think to check HER journal, and here they are! As usual, they aren’t what I’d expect, but make perfect sense. Gosh, I love that photo of her. I feel like she is looking directly into my heart and soul.i

  5. This may be an odd comment in this blog but one thing I’ve noticed is that the people who have passed from our sight are often more accessible in death than they were in life. Their presence is not cluttered with events but more concentrated and pure. It often feels as if my chest has opened up and I can send a vast love to family members or people I have never known personally, like Robin Williams. Sometimes it feels as if a loving response comes back to me, although that isn’t why I initiated the connection.

    1. I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes I’ll think of someone and, as you write, “I can send a vast love…”

      Believe me, those loving responses are entirely real. I do believe that when we send genuine loving thoughts to a spirit, it’s vividly felt, and the spirit is thrilled to be able to acknowledge it.

      Take care.

  6. It would seem that the Most Important information to be gleaned from this website are the messages from Anne!

  7. Thank you for these words. I needed to receive this message today in the anxiety of not being able to feel the familiar ground under my feet after finishing reading “New World”. It is that, indeed. These words from Anne’s journal help reconnect me to the world I know, love, and trust.

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