Why do we talk about the self as though it is something separate from us? Why has host Jeremy Vaeni never interviewed Hank Wesselman? Can only certain people get rid of the Freudian ID? What do all of these questions have in  common? They came from, or were inspired by,read more

On Dreamland this week, Dr. Shelli Renee Joye joins Whitley in a wide-ranging discussion of her work in the area of electromagnetic field theory and the nature of consciousness. Sound a little dry? Well–NOT! They go down all kinds of wild paths ranging from the use of consciousness-changing devices toread more

This video was made on December 9, 2020 with a surveillance camera. The cow falls through the roof and into a barn. The farmer whose cow it is says he saw a UFO above the barn and then this happened. But what was “this?” It is hard to believe thatread more