Stonehenge took 500 years to build and required up to 30% of the population of Great Britain to do it. Think about that. What if three out of every ten Americans worked on a single structure for 25 generations? That’s right TWENTY FIVE GENERATIONS! In his paradigm shattering new book,read more

Will Bueche talks about his work with the late Dr. John Mack, the Harvard psychiatrist and author of the 1994 book ABDUCTION, and the 1999 book PASSPORT TO THE COSMOS. Over the years Will has been cataloging, digitizing and transcribing the sessions and writings of Dr. Mack. Will has worked closelyread more

The US House of Representatives has voted to order the US Department of Defense Inspector General to disclose to Congress whether or not the Pentagon conducted Cold War-era experiments aimed at weaponizing disease-carrying insects, including ticks that carry Lyme disease, and if so whether or not any of these insectsread more

The Quake to Make Los Angeles a Radioactive Dead Zone Thanks to CommonDreams. Nothing significant has been done to improve safety at two coastal reactors upwind of ten million people that are surrounded by earthquake faults in a tsunami zone like the one where the four Fukushima reactors have alreadyread more