This video was captured by an ISS video watcher. The object, or shadow, is moving too fast to be a plane, so it is either space debris, a satellite in lower orbit than the ISS or the shadow of the ISS on the surface of the storm. Or, of course, it could be something of unknown origin. In any case, it’s a great catch by this observer!

Possible unknown, no way to evaluate further.
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This video shows two extremely fast objects passing in front of a single engine aircraft. It was shot in Argentina in 2017. It is not a computer graphic and the objects are moving too fast to be ordinary drones or birds. That leaves unknown objects. But there are questions: why did the pilot happen to be filming at just that moment? Was he hanging a cellphone out of the cockpit? Why? There is no indication that the camera follows the fast-moving objects, but that actually adds to the possibility that this might be authentic. The object would almost certainly not have been picked up by the naked eye, especially in a windy cockpit.

This video records a possible unknown.
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