Whitley finishes his beautiful course on the Tarot with a magnificent and deeply moving meditation on Card 21, "The World." You will never have heard that card–or, in fact, anything–discussed like this. This is something very special, but if you have not listened to the earlier chapters, do listen to them before you do this one.

Next week, the entire course will be archived in a single file in Whitley’s Room.
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The majority of us take the "Three Rs" of education for granted, but within the field of artificial intelligence, computers have only shown an aptitude for ‘Rithmetic, something they were specifically designed to do to begin with. Conversely, Reading and ‘Riting have proven to be a difficult hurdle for AI researchers to overcome, as the sheer complexity of how the human brain recognizes, interprets and reproduces handwritten text is still largely a mystery. However, a team of researchers have developed a way to teach a computer how to both read and write, and to do so as quickly and efficiently as a human.
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