Mysterious electrical fires have returned to Canneto di Caronia in Sicily according to a report in a British Newspaper. This report was picked up by Open Minds, which confirmed it with Italian UFO investigator Paola Harris. The fires and associated phenomena were first reported in the community in 2004, and were extensively investigated by officials. In 2007, the Italian government issued a report stating that the fires were caused by a powerful electromagnetic field of unknown origin, and specifically stated that ‘aliens’ might be involved. reported on this phenomenon extensively beginning in 2004. To read these reports, click here.
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Whitley Strieber and Yvonne Smith are two of the world’s best informed people when it comes to close encounters and alien abductions, and Yvonne, with her many years of therapeutic experience, understands its strangeness, ambiguity and threatening nature deeply. Here they discuss the intimate reality of the experience as you have never heard it discussed before. Then they go on to explore some of the bizarre and provocative reasons that the Coronado abductions took place while President Bill Clinton–who was highly interested, behind the scenes, in the UFO phenomenon–was on Coronado Island.
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One of the very rare instances of mass abduction known took place at a UFO conference at the Coronado Hotel. Researcher Yvonne Smith has spent 19 years putting together the details of this amazing story. The corresponding details of multiple-witness memories are startling. As startling–at least–is the fact that the President of the United States was present on Coronado Island while the abductions were taking place.

Yvonne Smith’s website is You can get the Coronado Incident wherever books are sold.
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It is well-documented that, due to their high sugar content, regular consumption of soft drinks has been linked to the development of various health problems including diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

A new study has suggested that their negative physiological effects may be even more far-reaching, however, concluding that even consuming just one soda per day can cause premature aging.

The study identified that sodas affect telomeres, the protective caps found on the ends of our chromosomes, by increasing the rate at which they decrease in size. This happens naturally as we get older, but drinking sugary sodas hastens the process significantly.
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