After years of being told that fat consumption is a dietary no-no, the latest research indicates that sugar, not fat, is the real demon in our diets.
Fat was labelled the bad guy years ago in what was essentially a political decision which pandered to the immense weight of the sugar industry.
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As the hot debate over whether the next "Miss Universe" beauty pageant will take place in 2014, 2015 or not all, the real question we should be asking ourselves is: what actually is the Universe? Is it the vast, limitless vacuum of space that we conventionally perceive it to be, or could it be…a hologram?

And if it was, would we ever know?

A unusual experiment, conducted at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, in Batavia, Illinois, is attempting to find the answers to this and other mind-blowing questions regarding the universe we live in. Using a unique device called the Holometer, scientists have begun to collate data that is trying to detect the smallest unit in the universe.
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The Ebola virus appears to be rampaging unchecked across the globe, and there are predictions that the current, already significant, death toll of around 2,400 deaths could escalate into hundreds of thousands by the end of this year.
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Scientists have discovered that a parasite normally found in cat faeces could help them to formulate a cancer-fighting vaccine.

Though Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii), a single-celled parasite, is happiest when hanging out in a cat’s intestines, it can live in any warm blooded animal and affects about one-third of the world’s population, including 60 million Americans. Most people have no symptoms, but some experience a flu-like illness, particularly those with suppressed immune systems who can develop a serious infection if they encounter T. gondii. Pregnant women are also advised to take extra care not to come into contact with the bacteria as it can threaten the health of unborn babies and cause miscarriage, still birth or birth defects.
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