In this amazing talk, soaring with insight and filled with knowledge, Whitley Strieber discusses the true nature of the close encounter experience and, above all, its meaning, with candor and joy. Join with him on this amazing journey. He has understood some deep truths about close encounter, what it means, and where it is taking us.

When an intelligence officer asked a visitor what was on offer for mankind, the answer was ‘a new world, if you can take it.’ That is to say, if we can wrest it out of their hands, and if we can bear it if we do.

Here, Whitley tells us exactly what it is that we must take, how do do that, and how to approach the future the way Whitley does, completely without fear.
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Last week on Unknown Country we ran a story which put forward a theory that, if food supplies run short in the future, we could turn to the insect world to provide a source of protein for our nutritional needs.

Subscribers had mixed views on the subject, but for those of you who dismissed the idea as outlandish or unthinkable, think again. Research from Washington University in St. Louis suggests that insects have already played a significant role in our past diet and may even have been the driving evolutionary force behind the development of our large brains.
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The search for extra-terrestrial life has been an ongoing preoccupation for Man, yet how detectable is our own presence in the universe?
Many of the visitors to this site have reason to believe that our planet has been visited by extra-terrestrials for decades, if not longer, but how do other life forms become aware of life on Earth?

A side mission undertaken by NASA’s Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) looked at Earth from the perspective of an off-earth civilisation, evaluating how they might determine its potential for sentient life forms.
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