Along with Hurricane Katrina and Superstorm Sandy, Supertyphoon Haiyan has entered history as a great and vastly destructive storm. In terms of its power, it was the strongest storm every recorded. It crossed the central Philippines, leaving in its wake catastrophic damage and at least 10,000 people dead. The destruction of homes, buildings and physical infrastructure means that millions of people have been left stranded in its wake, and in most of the country, power failures, road blockages and other damage are both impeding rescuers and preventing survivors from leaving stricken areas.
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It is possible–just–that this is a release of balloons, but there are things that happen to it, such as the detachment and reattachment of fragments of the material that suggest that it really is something very, very strange. Frankly, I can’t even speculate beyond saying that maybe it’s some sort of insect colony. If it’s an alien, I’d be fascinated to see what the world it came from looks like. I think that this is the single strangest video Out There has ever posted.
It was sent to us by an alert reader.
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Over the course of my life, poems have been essential and they have been formative. They are interwoven with my close encounter experiences, because it is only in the ideas and feelings evoked by poems–both dark and light–that I can find sufficient complexity and resonance to enable me to think meaningfully about this greatest of all human events, the contact experience.

My hope is that, as time gradually causes mankind to awaken to who we really are and where we really are, and who our visitors are, that little deposits of meaning such as I have tried to make here will offer a useful resonance.
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Scientists now confirm that there is a high probability that the universe harbours an abundance of habitable planets.

NASA’s Kepler telescope has provided information to indicate that one in every five sun-like stars is orbited by planets comparable to Earth. In broad terms, this means that there could be billions of planets capable of supporting life in our Milky Way galaxy alone. The findings were published recently in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and aired at a special news conference in California.
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