On August 4 rescuers desperately freeing Katie Lenz from her mangled car at an accident site in Missouri were astonished when a priest who had come to offer comfort suddenly seemed to disappear. Now a priest whose face closely matches that of that of an artists’ impression of the mystery man has come forward and identified himself as the priest who stopped to reassure the rescuers and give comfort to the woman trapped in the damaged car. According to a press release from the Diocese of Jefferson City, he is Father Patrick Dowling, a Diocesan Priest.
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When my dead cat Coe took me to the World of the Dead during my first stroke in 2004, he showed me that it would one day be important for me to put my burdens down, and one of he ways to do this is to forgive everyone who has hurt me during my lifetime. But perhaps this is a two-way street–maybe even ghosts need to put down their burdens and face what they’ve done as well.
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Once again, birds are mysteriously dropping out of the sky dead, and, as always, the media treats it as if this continuing mystery is happening for the first time. This time, the mystery is unfolding in Winnepeg, Manitoba in Canada. Roughly 40 dread grackles were collected last Wednesday and given to the province’s chief veterinarian. 20 more were found on the roof of a building, most dead and others in death throes. An initial examination of the birds’ stomach contents did not reveal anything abnormal, and further toxicology tests are being undertaken at this time.
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