Today’s revelations is a new episode of Stargate Hunters, conversations with fellow stargate seeker, Chad Stuemke, who is here to discuss some fresh and astounding insights about the presence of mysterious beings in ancient america and evidence of how they might be returning today. Join us as we explore the secrets of Ohio’s Serpent Mound and more.

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The Italian agriculture, health and environment ministries have signed a decree banning the cultivation of a type of genetically modified corn, known as "YieldGuard," citing the crop’s possible "negative impact on biodiversity." The corn has been modified to resist insect infestation.

Agriculture Minister Nunzia De Girolamo said, "It is a measure that protects our specificity and safeguards Italy from standardization. Our agriculture is based on biodiversity and quality."
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In an article on Bloomberg News, Apollo Astronaut Edgar Mitchell was asked about the Roswell incident, and replied that he had been contacted not only by the man who delivered the coffins to the base for the bodies found in the wreckage, but by descendants of other original Roswell observers. He went on to say that the UFO coverup has gone on far too long, and that this is due to the military industrial complex’s obsessive secrecy.
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The Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency (DARPA) has created a humanoid robot test bed that could lead the way to the creation of machines intelligent enough to do tings like find people buried in rubble after earthquakes and enter ‘hot’ nuclear power plants. Also, presumably, to be used on the battlefield as ‘land drones,’ and in other applications yet to be imagined. 
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