William previews his upcoming works, including his first online webinar, the Path of Souls, which takes place July 12-14. To find out how to join the webinar, click here.

He also introduces his forthcoming book, "Angels of Sion: Lost Secrets of the Watchers, the Holy Race that Rules Mankind". In the book he takes a fresh look at the story of the Watchers, one of the oldest and most mysterious interventions in human history. Did the Watchers come to earth to control us or to set us free? Did they ever leave? And if not, what are they doing among us, and TO us, right now?
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Today, we are joined by visionary and author, Lisa Hays. An Indiana lawyer and lobbyist by day, and Indiana Jones by night, Lisa has been on an extraordinary mystical quest that has resulted in her book Life is a Mystical Opportunity: My 3 Year Journey

Lisa attended the Revelations Symposium in Nashville in May where we met. Then, she visited me here to take my tour of secret, sacred Nashville. We’ll discuss her reflections on Nashville as a portal to Shambahalla and other subjects, including her “Dreams For Society” project, a website she has created for everyone to share their dreams for society and in particular to interview politicians, civic leaders and other mystical scientists such as yourself about their Dreams for society.
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What’s a clairvoyant doing talking about Edward Snowdon, the NSA leaks and the way our world is changing? Well, when it’s Hillary Raimo, it makes a great deal of sense. In this riveting interview, she tells us just how deep changes in our world have come together to alter the flow of power in our world.
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William and Clare Henry have just returned from Southern France where they explored areas that were once the stronghold of Cathar Christianity, a sect that was completely wiped out by the Catholics in 1244 in Europe’s first genocide.
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