But sometimes things smell good too. But our ability to smell deteriorates over the years, sometimes as early as age 30. By age 60, about half of us will experience a reduction in our ability to smell, and by age 80, about three-fourths of us will.

A bad cold can knock out your ability to smell–maybe even forever. From 3 to 4 million Americans have been diagnosed with anosmia, the complete inability to smell, and hyposmia, a reduced smelling capacity.
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You may think you’ve had some odd experiences (especially if you’ve had VISITOR experiences), but I think something that happened to me is right up there at the top.

I woke up to find several faces peering down at me, asking me questions like, "What’s your name?" "What date is it today?" "Who’s the President?," and I COULDN’T THINK OF THE ANSWERS!

I often can’t remember the date, but I DO know my name (and Obama’s too).

I was in an ambulance, being whisked to the hospital, after having had a seizure. It turned out this as set off by a certain type of prescription cough medicine I had taken for the hacking cough that was keeping me awake all night. read more

This clip from a webcam watching the Popocatepetl volcano near Mexico City reveals a fast moving cigar-shaped object similar to one that apparently entered the volcano in October of last year. That video was dismissed by some experts as a hoax, but we saw it as possibly an authentic unknown. This new video reinforces that view. To see our October story, click here.
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