We may be dirty, but exposure to common antibacterial chemicals and preservatives found in soap, toothpaste, mouthwash and other personal-care products may make children more likely to have food and environmental allergies.

Researcher Jennifer Savage says, "We saw a link between level of exposure, measured by the amount of antimicrobial agents in the urine, and allergy risk, indicated by circulating antibodies to specific allergens."

The antibacterials and preservatives THEMSELVES do not necessarily cause the allergies, but instead may play a role in the development of the immune system.
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A few months after his close encounter experience, Whitley Strieber was diagnosed with a possible case of multiple sclerosis, but so mild that it was designated as subclinical. Since then, he has had minor episodes of MS-like symptoms. Clint Ober claims that Earthing will help relieve such symptoms, so Whitley agreed to try Earthing for six weeks, then report on any effects. He also has severe sleep problems, and grounding is supposed to improve that, too.

Listen as Whitley and Clint Ober discuss the theory of why grounding may work to relieve various symptoms, and the effect sleeping grounded had on Whitley.

Whitley was given an Earthing mat for the purposes of testing. He was not financially compensated.
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For the first time in the history of the species, people in the developed world spend most of our lives not grounded to the earth. Clint Ober says this is a major health problem, and shows how to fix it. He claims that the earth itself is a natural source of healing energy, and that we need to reconnect with it in order to experience real health.

Is Earthing necessary? How can you do it?
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