No matter WHAT ELSE 2012 brings, there’s one thing we KNOW will continue in the future: Climate change and the resulting extinction of many animal species.

The ranges of species will have to change dramatically as a result of climate change (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show) between now and 2100 because the climate will change more than 100 times faster than the rate at which some species can adapt. Snakes are in trouble but, surprisingly, bees and plants are adapting well.
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This one is pretty standard until 2:15 in, when the object suddenly explodes, leaving residue in the sky. It is just possible that this is some sort of balloon, but it appears to be lit from within, which would make it a very unusual one. We are sending this to our video experts for analysis and their responses will be posted in the video section.
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Bees do a quantum dance in order to tell the other members of their hive where to find the honey. Now scientists have discovered that warms of bees and brains, which are made up of neurons, both make decisions in the same way.
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