This object was snapped by accident by an Unknowncountry reader in West Virginia at 4:36 PM on Feburary 8. The circle around it was present in the sky. It was not added later. The sun is setting to the left in the larger shot, and there is a faint sun dog. But the object stands out clearly, and the ring around it is not consistent with a solar reflection. Graded B.
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We recently returned from a funeral and I was very impressed by something the minister who officiated at it said. She really didn’t know the 92-year-old lady who was being buried, so couldn’t speak too personally about her, but she had been filled in a bit by the deceased woman’s daughter, so she wasn’t totally clueless. I later learned that this minister (who is a woman) used to be an IBM executive, but quit to go to divinity school and returned to preach in her home town, the town where our friend’s mother had grown up and where she was buried in her family’s plot.
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Married people may think they communicate well with their partners, but psychologists have found that they don’t always convey messages to their loved ones as well as they think–and in some cases, the spouses communicate no better than strangers.
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Can science prove that romantic love can last? A new study compared the brains of long-term married and in love individuals with individuals who had recently fallen in love and discovered highly similar brain activity in regions associated with reward, motivation and "wanting" in both sets of couples. Psychologist Arthur Aron says, “We found many very clear similarities between those who were in love long term and those who had just fallen madly in love."
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