Every day our brains are flooded by stimulation–sounds, sights and smells. (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). At the same time, we are constantly engaged in an inner dialogue, ruminating about the past, musing about the future. Somehow the brain filters all this input instantly, selecting some things for long- or short-term storage, discarding others and focusing in on what’s most important at any given instant. Amazingly enough, humans regulate the activity of INDIVIDUAL NEURONS to intentionally alter the outcome of all this stimulation.
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There seem to be more destructive hurricanes every year. Atlantic hurricane activity gets stronger and weaker over a cycle of several decades, and we’ve been in the active part of that cycle for the last 15 years. Scientists now say they have found a way to forecast hurricanes in the Atlantic–not just for the upcoming year, but for several years in the future.read more