What could be as sexy as a lady in red? A gentleman in red!

Simply wearing the color red or being bordered by that color makes a man more attractive and sexually desirable to women, according to a series of studies. And women are unaware of this arousing effect.

Red’s charm ultimately lies in its ability to make men appear more powerful, says psychologist Andrew Elliot. “We found that women view men in red as higher in status, more likely to make money and more likely to climb the social ladder. And it’s this high-status judgment that leads to the attraction.”
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Research turns up more amazing speculations all the time: New studies reveal that major quakes shake Southern California about every 88 years, which is THREE times as often than seismologists previously thought they did. This means that the area is OVERDUE for a massive quake along the San Andreas fault.

For years, scientists thought that major earthquakes occurred every 250 to 450 years along this fault line. In the August 21st edition of the Los Angeles Times, Rong-Gong Lin II quotes earthquake expert Lisa Grant as saying, “The next earthquake could be sooner than later. It was thought that we weren’t at risk of having another large one any time soon. Well, now, it might be ready to rupture.”
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Distinguished author and frequent Dreamland guest LaurenceGardner has died after a long illness which he foughtbravely. Over the years, Laurence thrilled and fascinatedDreamland audiences with brilliant interviews about hisimportant books, appearing most recently on April 12, 2008.In our newest Insight, we’ve reprinted an article by Marcus Williamson which first appeared in the Independent newspaper on August 19, 2010, reproduced with permission of the copyright holder. In his memory, we are now running his most recent program in position 5 on our free media player. It and all other Laurence Gardner programming done since 2004 can be downloaded the Dreamland archive by our subscribers.

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Our oceans are in trouble. What happened in the past can affect the future. More than 200 million gallons of oil is estimated to have spilled into the Gulf after the April 20 blowout at BP’s Deepwater Horizon, an incident which also killed 11 people. While the surface of the Gulf now looks clean and most of the beaches have been cleared of oil as well, there’s still a lot of oil out there–The explosion left an oil slick on the ocean floor. Will this be a problem in the future?
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