“Blindsight” is the ability that some blind people have to sense things that they can’t see. Here’s something amazing: One blind man, known only as “TN,” proved that he can find his way around obstacles in his way, even though he is totally blind. He can also “sense” emotions such as fear, anger and joy in other people, even though he can’t see their faces. This is one of the subjects she discusses with Russell Targ, who is legally blind, on Dreamland. Come talk to Anne in person in Nashville in June!
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After Anne Strieber’s stroke, she found she had trouble recognizing faces and finding her way around, a problem that eventually went away. Researchers think both talents are based in our genes. This is one of the subjects she discusses with Russell Targ on Dreamland. Want to talk to Anne in person? Come meet her in Nashville in June!

Imagine that you are emerging from the subway and heading for your destination when you realize that you are going in the wrong direction. For a moment, you feel disoriented, but landmarks and the layout of the surrounding streets quickly help you pinpoint your location, and you make it to your appointment with time to spare.
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Arcadia is the name of the storied paradise of the past, but was it real? William Henry takes this question to UK researcher Andrew Gough, who has been searching the secret history of the world for the answer.

Amazingly, this has something very, very unexpected and surprising about none other than bees! They have an ancient hidden significance to Kabbalists and many other esoteric traditions, and are a key to such mysteries as Rennes le Chateau.
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Or create better soldiers? – Some researchers say that increasing climate change will lead to MORE violence, worldwide. Our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan are already under a lot of pressure: Will meditation help? This is one of the subjects Anne Strieber raises in her fascinating Dreamland interview with Russell Targ.

If global warming is a scientific fact, then you better be prepared for the earth to become a more violent place, because new research shows that as the earth’s average temperature rises, so too does human “heat” in the form of violent tendencies.
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