Are there time travelers among us? Could the CERN collider not only reveal dark matter, but bring some of these travelers out into the open? NOTE: Subscriberscan still listen to this fascinating interview).

The Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland known as CERN has already been sabotaged by a bird. On the CNet website, Nick Hide reports that this time, a strangely dressed young man named Eloi Cole tried to sabotage it again recently, claiming to have travelled back in time to prevent it from destroying the Earth.Cole said he stopped supplies of Mountain Dew (which must be one of the CERN scientists’ favorite tipples) to the experiment’s vending machines, and also claimed responsibility for bird sabotage last year.
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There are some amazing discoveries being made. For instance, you’ll soon be able to control many appliances with a wave of your hand. What if you could control the music coming through your earphones by moving your eyes?

Not only WAVE your hand: tapping your arm or hand with a finger could control your TV (and other appliances) as well. In BBC News, Mark Ward quotes “Skinput” inventor Chris Harrison as saying, “The human body is the ultimate input device. In the future your hand could be your iPhone and your handset could be watch-sized on your wrist.”
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If you thought the only danger of drinking sodas was obesity, think again (it’s yet another example of evil corn).
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In his powerful new Journal, Whitley Strieber writes: “There is no apparent relationship between this week’s Dreamland and the show that will air next week, but, in fact, the two are profoundly related because they end two related controversies, which are, without question, the most important in the world.” Keep our great radio shows coming: Subscribe today. And come meet Whitley and your favorite Dreamland hosts in person in June!

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