I’ve been thinking a lot about the brain lately. Since an aneurysm burst inside my head 5 years ago, I guess you could say I almost lost my mine. One thing that continues to fascinate me is the difference between right-handed and left- handed people, especially when they are couples, like Whitley and I are. We find that since our gestures “mirror” each other, when we try to work on a physical task together, we become hopelessly entangled. I found a writer who thinks the world is in a similar mess.
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The recent earthquake in Haiti was caused by an underwater earthquake. Thankfully, it did not cause a tsunami (giant wave), but scientists would like to know how to detect these waves before they hit, so that lives can be saved by moving people to higher ground.

Tsunamis are created by a large displacement of water resulting from earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, and even meteors hitting the ocean. It turns out that tsunamis send electric signals through the ocean that can be sensed by the vast network of communication cables on the seabed because salty seawater is a good conductor of electricity.
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Start exercising – The discovery that aerobic exercise builds brain cells should put an end to the stereotype of the dumb athlete.

In PhysOrg.com, Lin Edwards reports that neuroscientists discovered this by studying the effects of running on the brains of mice. Some had wheels to run on and others did not and both groups had their memories tested regularly. The scores of mice with access to the running wheel were almost double those of the non-running group.

The researchers are not yet clear on exactly why exercise triggers the growth of brain cells. It may be because exercise increases blood flow or because it elevates certain hormone levels. Exercise may also reduce the level of the hormone cortisol, which is associated with stress.
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What may be happening – UFOs are well known for stopping cars dead as they hover above them. How do they do it? Car chases are common on the nightly news in Los Angeles, and they’re also dangerous. If police could figure out how to stop cars in their tracks the way UFOs do, there would no longer be a problem, and maybe they have.

The secret is electromagnetic pulse, which only works if vehicles that have on board computers (which most cars now do). In PhysOrg.com, John Messina reports that the Air Force is now trying to develop a non-lethal weapon that can stop cars (and tanks). If a suspected suicide bomber drove a car or truck through a barrier, it would be one way to stop him from driving into a crowd where he could detonate his device.
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