This is one of the most important and valuable Dreamlands ever to be produced on the crop circle phenomenon. 2009 is the most intense crop circle season in history, and Andrew Collins is out with an astonishing new book that explores not only what they are but, more importantly, how we can contact the circlemakers and make use of the information and energy they have to offer.

It starts with the catastrophe, now supported by ever-stronger scientific evidence, that happened 12,600 years ago and was first suggested by Andrew in his book the Gods of Eden in 1998. From there it moves into the mysteries of ancient sites like the oldest known human habitation, Gobleki Tepi, in Turkey.
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Many subscribers are active meditators, close encounter witnesses, psychics and, like Whitley Strieber, students in the world’s most extraordinary school. As Andrew and Whitley continue their discussion, it turns into another lesson on the extraordinary journey we are on. It offers new insight into the practicalities of work with conscious energy, and how to become an active participant in the crop circle phenomenon, as well as utilize the most powerful meditation in the subscriber section, the Cygnus Meditation.
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In Latinos, anyway – Hispanics who move to the US have higher rates of cancer than their relatives who stay home. This may be due to under reporting in their home countries, but it’s something that is concerning researchers who are searching desperately for some of the causes of this dreaded disease.

Miami researcher Paulo S. Pinheiro thinks it’s important that we not lump all Spanish-speaker together. He says, “Hispanics are not all the same with regard to their cancer experience. Targeted interventions for cancer prevention and control should take into account the specificity of each Hispanic subgroup: Cubans, Puerto Ricans or Mexicans.”
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Despite the fact that we’ve elected a black president, race is still a problem in the US. We know that humans originated in Africa, so why did some people’s skin turn white, anyway?

Scientists used to tell us that people’s skins turned lighter when they migrated north and needed more sun exposure in order to get enough vitamin D. Melanin, the pigment that turns skin dark, blocks out this vitamin. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to rickets and even to a deformed pelvis in women, which would interfere with childbirth. But the truth is that much of this is still a mystery.
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